SF State Studies - American Ethnic and Racial Minorities

Courses approved for the SF State Studies American Ethnic and Racial Minorities requirement should: present views of one or more groups of American Ethnic and Racial Minorities both from the perspective of the group and as an integral part of American society; encourage the study of values, attitudes, behaviors and/or creative endeavors that acknowledge and respect the dignity of all groups; and present a thorough analysis of the historical experiences, social stratification processes, political activism, basic cultural patterns, aesthetic experiences and/or ideologies, and include one or more of the oppressed groups of color: African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, Pacific Islander Americans, US Latinas/Latinos, South West Asian/North African Americans, and people of mixed racialized heritages.

Courses certified as meeting the SF State Studies requirements may be upper- or lower-division, in General Education (GE), a major or minor, or an elective. Not all of the courses listed below are approved for General Education. 

A U 302Bay Area Culture (UD-C, AERM, ES, GP)3
A U 303Bay Area History and Society (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 101First-Year Experience (A1, AERM)3
AA S 110Critical Thinking and the Asian American Experience (A3, AERM)3
AA S 210History of Asians in the United States (D2, AERM, USH)3
AA S 211Contemporary Asian Americans (D1, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 212Asian Americans and Mass Media (C1, AERM)3
AA S 213Asian Americans and American Ideals and Institutions (AERM, SJ, USG/CSLG)3
AA S 214Second Year Written Composition: Asian American Studies (AERM, SJ)3
AA S 216Introduction to Asian American Literature (C2, AERM)3
AA S 218Asian American Culture (C2, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 301Asian Americans of Mixed Heritages (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 320Chinese in the United States (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 322Chinese American Language and Literature (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 323Chinese American Identities (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 330Nikkei in the United States (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 332Japanese American Art and Literature (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 333Japanese American Identities (UD-D, AERM)3
AA S 350Filipina/os in the United States (UD-D, AERM)3
AA S 352Filipina/o American Literature, Art, and Culture (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 353Filipina/o American Identities (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 360Koreans in the United States (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 370Vietnamese in the United States (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 372Vietnamese American Literature (UD-C, AERM)3
AA S 373Vietnamese American Identities (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 380Cambodians in the United States (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 510Asian Americans in California (UD-D, AERM, ES, SJ)3
AA S 512Asian American Children's/Adolescent Literature (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 516Asian American Photographic Explorations (UD-C, AERM)3
AA S 520Asian American Musical Communities (UD-C, AERM)3
AA S 522Asian Americans and the Transracial Adoptee Experience (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 540South Asians in the United States (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 541South Asian Diaspora (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 570Southeast Asians in the United States (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 582Asian American Women's Literature and the Arts (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 584Asian American Sexualities (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 585Asian American Religiosities (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AA S 587Asian Americans and Environmental Justice (UD-D, AERM, ES, SJ)3
AA S 588Asian American Media Workshop (UD-C, AERM)3
AA S 591Asian American Community Health Issues (UD-B, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 595Asian American Communities and Public Policy (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AA S 681Asian American Community Changes and Development (AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 101Introduction to Africana Studies (D1, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 111Black Cultures and Personalities (D1, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 120Communicating Realness: Minding the Gap (A1, AERM)3
AFRS 200Introduction to Black Psychology (D1, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AFRS 202Black Men's Studies (F, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 203Black Social Sciences (D1, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 204Black Creative Arts (C1, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AFRS 208Introduction to African American History (D2, AERM, GP, SJ, USH)3
AFRS 210Introduction to Africana Literature (C2, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 214Second Year Written Composition: Africana Studies (F, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 215Introduction to Black Family Studies (D1, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AFRS 221African American Music: A 20th Century Survey (C1, AERM)3
AFRS 230African American Gospel Workshop (C1, AERM)3
AFRS 256Hip Hop Workshop (C1, AERM, ES, GP, SJ)3
AFRS 260Power, Racism, and Africana Liberation (F, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AFRS 266Black Online: Cyberspace, Culture, and Community (C2, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AFRS 300From Africa to Olmec America: Ancient African Prehistory and History (F, AERM, GP)3
AFRS 305Ancient Egypt (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AFRS 326Black Religion (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 335The Black Woman: A Cultural Analysis (AERM, GP, SJ)3
AFRS 350Black Indians in the Americas (UD-D, AERM)3
AFRS 355The Nation of Islam in America (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 370Health, Medicine, and Nutrition in the Black Community (UD-D, AERM, ES, SJ)3
AFRS 375Law and the Black Community (AERM, SJ, USH, USG/CSLG)3
AFRS 376Government, the Constitution, and Black Citizens (AERM, SJ, USH, USG/CSLG)3
AFRS 400Black Arts and Humanities (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 401Pan African Black Psychology: A North American, South American, and Caribbean Comparison (AERM)3
AFRS 466Black Lives Matter: Race and Social Movements (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 500The Life and Thought of Elijah Muhammad (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AFRS 515Black Family Studies (UD-D, AERM, ES, SJ)3
AFRS 645Literature of the Harlem Renaissance (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AFRS 665Black Journalism (UD-C, AERM)3
AIS 100Introduction to American Indian Studies (AERM, SJ)3
AIS 103Introduction to Pacific Islander Studies (D2, AERM, GP, SJ, USH)3
AIS 150American Indian History in the United States (D2, AERM, SJ, USH)3
AIS 160Survey of Native California (F, AERM, ES, SJ)3
AIS 205American Indians and U.S. Laws (AERM, SJ, USG/CSLG)3
AIS 230Urban Indians (D1, AERM, SJ)3
AIS 235American Indians: Image and Issues in the Mass Media (F, AERM, SJ)3
AIS 300American Indian Studies Research Methodologies (AERM, GP, SJ)3
AIS 310American Indian Religion and Philosophy (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AIS 320American Indian Music (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AIS 325American Indian Art (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AIS 330American Indian Law (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AIS 350Black Indians in the Americas (UD-D, AERM)3
AIS 400American Indian Education (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AIS 410Perspectives of Native California Indians (F, AERM, ES)3
AIS 420Native Genders and Feminism (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AIS 433Pacific Islanders in Film: Re-Presenting Oceania Through an Indigenous Lens (UD-C, AERM)3
AIS 440Native Sexualities and Queer Discourse (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
AIS 460Power and Politics in American Indian History (UD-D, AERM, SJ, USH)3
AIS 470American Indian Ethnicity: Problems in Identity (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
AIS 535American Indian Film (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AIS 550American Indians in Contemporary U.S. History (F, AERM, SJ, USH)3
AIS 560Modern Creative and Performing Arts (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
AMST 225Values in American Life (C2, AERM)3
AMST 265Christmas and Hanukkah in the United States (D2, AERM, USH)3
AMST 310The Arts and American Culture (UD-C, AERM)3
ARAB 101First Semester Arabic (C2, AERM, GP)4
ARAB 450Contemporary Arabic and Arab American Literature (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
BECA 201Life on TV: A Critical View (C2, AERM)3
BECA 485Women and Media (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
BIOL 318Our Endangered Planet (UD-B, AERM, ES, GP)3
BIOL 332Health Disparities in Cancer (AERM, GP, SJ)3
CAD 120Child Development, Social Justice, and Academic Success (C2, AERM, GP, SJ)3
CAD 260Children, Families, and Community: An Ecological Perspective (D1, AERM, GP)3
CINE 309Latina/o/x Cinema (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
CINE 331Hollywood Representation of Race and Ethnicity (AERM)3
C J 306Crisis in Central America: U.S. Policy and the Root Causes of Chaos (AERM, GP, SJ)4
COMM 120Language, Culture, and Power (C2, AERM, SJ)3
COMM 538Language and Identity in Interaction (UD-D, AERM, SJ)4
COMM 541Critical Approaches to Culture and Communication (UD-C, AERM, SJ)4
CWL 451Jewish Literature of the Americas (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
DANC 208Cultural History of Dance (C1, AERM)3
E ED 602Innovative Early Childhood Education Curriculum (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
E ED 603Understanding and Supporting Children's Socio-Emotional Development (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
E ED 604Advanced Issues in Collaboration with Families and Communities in Early Childhood Education (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
E ED 611Transforming Infant-Toddler Education and Care (AERM, GP)3
E ED 616Multilingualism and Multiliteracies in the Early Years (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
E ED 668Multicultural Education and Social Justice for Young Children (AERM, SJ)3
ECON 540Economics of Gender (AERM, GP)3
ENG 256Disability and Literature (AERM, SJ)3
ENG 451Jewish Literature of the Americas (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
ENG 526Age of the American Renaissance: 1830-1860 (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
ENG 530Early Atlantic Migrants and Texts (AERM, SJ)3
ENG 54620th Century American Jewish Women Writers (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
ENG 602Literature, Identity, Society: Theoretical Approaches to Identity and Cultural Critique (UD-C, AERM)3
ENG 633Queer(ing) Narrative Literature (AERM)3
ENG 655Literature and the Adolescent Reader (AERM)3
ETHS 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies (D1, AERM, GP, SJ)3
ETHS 110Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience (A3, AERM)3
ETHS 120Educational Justice, Health Equity, and Academic Success (C2, AERM, GP, SJ)3
ETHS 221Health and Social Justice - Burning Issues, Taking Action (D1, AERM, SJ)3
ETHS 241Health and Social Movements in the United States in the 20th Century (D2, AERM, SJ, USH)3
ETHS 500Introduction to Race, Ethnicity, and Health (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
GEOG 455Geography of Ethnic Communities (AERM, SJ)3
GEOG 552Geography of California (UD-D, AERM, ES, SJ)3
HH 210The Dao of Well-Being in Chinese Tradition (C2, AERM)3
HIST 120History of the U.S. through Reconstruction (D2, USH, AERM)3
HIST 121History of the U.S. since Reconstruction (D2, USH, AERM, SJ)3
HIST 201History of Struggles for Equity and Justice (D2, AERM, SJ, USH)3
HIST 265Christmas and Hanukkah in the United States (D2, AERM, USH)3
HIST 278History of Latinos in the U.S. (D2, AERM, SJ, USH)3
HIST 416The Jewish Sixties: A Journey Through The Social Protest Movements of the 1960s (AERM, SJ)3
HIST 418Society and Politics in American History (AERM, USH)3
HIST 421Food Fights: The Politics of American Jewish Consumption from 1654 to the Present (UD-C, AERM, SJ, USH)3
HIST 441American Jews and Popular Culture (AERM)3
HIST 449American Jewish History (UD-C, AERM, SJ, USH)3
HIST 451Bay Area History and Society (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
HIST 455The Philippines and the United States (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ, USH)3
HIST 464American Ethnic and Racial Relations to 1890 (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
HIST 465American Ethnic and Racial Relations II: 1890-Present (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ, USH)3
HIST 466History of People of Color in the U.S. (F, AERM, SJ, USH)3
HIST 467Women in the U.S. to 1890 (UD-C, AERM, SJ, USH)3
HIST 468Women in the U.S.: 1890-Present (UD-D, AERM)3
HIST 470The U.S. Constitution to 1896 (UD-C, AERM, SJ, USH, USG/CSLG)3
HIST 471The U.S. Constitution Since 1896 (UD-C, AERM, SJ, USH, USG/CSLG)3
HIST 478American Popular Culture History: Barnum to Reality TV (UD-C, AERM, USH)3
HTM 351Asian Food, Culture, and Hospitality (UD-C, AERM)3
HTM 424Tourism Management (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
HUM 225Values in American Life (C2, AERM)3
HUM 340Bay Area Culture (UD-C, AERM, ES, GP)3
HUM 441American Jews and Popular Culture (AERM)3
HUM 485The Arts and American Culture (UD-C, AERM)3
I R 306Crisis in Central America: U.S. Policy and the Root Causes of Chaos (AERM, GP, SJ)4
I R 310U.S. Foreign Policy (UD-D, AERM, GP)4
I R 335Muslim Societies in Transnational Perspective (UD-D, AERM, GP)4
I R 459Refugees in Global Perspective (UD-C, AERM, GP)4
ISED 204Critical Thinking for Educational Equity and Social Justice (A3, AERM)3
ITEC 333Becoming Innovative Digital Entrepreneurs (UD-C, AERM)3
JOUR 223Bilingual English and Spanish Newswriting (AERM, GP)3
JOUR 304Cultural Diversity and News Media (AERM, SJ)3
JS 265Christmas and Hanukkah in the United States (D2, AERM, USH)3
JS 270Repairing the World: The Jewish Call for Social Justice (C2, AERM, GP, SJ)3
JS 421Food Fights: The Politics of American Jewish Consumption from 1654 to the Present (UD-C, AERM, SJ, USH)3
JS 441American Jews and Popular Culture (AERM)3
JS 449American Jewish History (UD-C, AERM, SJ, USH)3
JS 451Jewish Literature of the Americas (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
JS 54620th Century American Jewish Women Writers (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
JS 548The Jewish Sixties: A Journey Through The Social Protest Movements of the 1960s (AERM, SJ)3
KIN 502Sport and Social Issues (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
LTNS 110Critical Thinking and the Rhetoric of Latinas/os/x in the 21st Century (A3, AERM, SJ)3
LTNS 210Latina/o/x Health Care Perspectives (B2, AERM, ES, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 211Latina/o/x Families (D1, AERM, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 222Latina/o/x Art History (F, AERM, GP)3
LTNS 225Latina/o/x Visual Culture (C1, AERM, SJ)3
LTNS 230Introduction to Latina/o Literature (C2, AERM, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 265Topics in Latina/o/x History (D1, AERM, SJ)3
LTNS 270Latina/o/x Murals, Memes, Music, and More: Latina/o/x Arts & Humanities (E, AERM, SJ)3
LTNS 276Latina/o, U.S. Government, and Constitutional Ideals (AERM, USG/CSLG)3
LTNS 278History of Latinos in the U.S. (D2, AERM, SJ, USH)3
LTNS 305Latina/o Studies Creative Writing Workshop (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
LTNS 315Latina/os in California (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
LTNS 355Black Indians in the Americas (UD-D, AERM)3
LTNS 380Afro/Latina/o Diasporas (UD-D, AERM, GP)3
LTNS 409Latina/o/x Cinema (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 425Popular and Traditional Music of the Latinx U.S. (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
LTNS 435Oral History, Community Memory, and Collective Stories (AERM, SJ)3
LTNS 445Gendered Borders: Latinas and Globalization (F, AERM, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 450Critical Latinx Indigeneities (UD-C, AERM, ES, GP)3
LTNS 455Resistance Literature of the Americas (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 460Central Americans of the U.S.: History and Heritage (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 465Mexican American and Chicana/x/o History (F, AERM, GP)3
LTNS 470Latina/o Immigration to the U.S. (UD-D, AERM, GP SJ)3
LTNS 475Aztec Philosophy (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
LTNS 530Latina/os and the Media (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
LTNS 560Contemporary Latina/o Literature (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 565Central Americans Writing in the United States (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 580Educational Equity (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
LTNS 660Latina/o Politics (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
LTNS 670Mexican Politics and Society (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
MEIS 301Islam: Interpretation and Practice (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
MUS 137Survey of the History of Electronic Music (AERM, GP, SJ)3
MUS 281The American Musical Experience (C1, AERM, GP)3
MUS 506Survey of Jazz (UD-C, AERM, USH)3
MUS 511The Roots of Rock (AERM)3
MUS 558Music of John Coltrane (UD-C, AERM)3
MUS 559Women in Jazz (UD-C, AERM, USH)3
PH 221Health and Social Justice - Burning Issues, Taking Action (D1, AERM, SJ)3
PH 241Health and Social Movements in the United States in the 20th Century (D2, AERM, SJ, USH)3
PH 315Drugs and Society (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
PH 414Women's Health (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
PH 455Community Organizing and Community Building for Health (UD-C, AERM, ES, GP, SJ)3
PHIL 130Political and Social Philosophy (D1, AERM, SJ)3
PHIL 335Law and Society (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
PHIL 373The Ethics of Migration and Membership (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
PHIL 451Feminist Moral Issues (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
PLSI 408Mexican Politics and Society (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
PLSI 459Refugees in Global Perspective (UD-C, AERM, GP)4
PLSI 463The Politics of Immigration in the United States (AERM, SJ)4
PLSI 464Race and American Politics (UD-D, AERM, SJ)4
PLSI 580Housing Policy and Planning (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RELS 265Christmas and Hanukkah in the United States (D2, AERM, USH)3
RPT 440Urban Recreation and Parks (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
RRS 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies (D1, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 101Introduction to Arab and Muslim Communities (C2, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 103Introduction to Pacific Islander Studies (D2, AERM, GP, SJ, USH)3
RRS 110Critical Thinking and the Ethnic Studies Experience (A3, AERM)3
RRS 201SFSU's Palestinian Cultural Mural and the Art of Resistance (C2, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 212Edward Said (C2, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 240All Power to the People: Comparative Freedom Movements of the "Sixties" (D2, AERM, SJ, USH)3
RRS 250Race, Ethnicity and Power in America (AERM, SJ, USG/CSLG)3
RRS 252Beyond Bars and Borders: Race and the Carceral State (D2, AERM, USH)3
RRS 255Voices in Exile: Arab and Muslim American and Civil Liberties post-9/11/2001 (D1, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 276Race, Activism and Climate Justice (B2, AERM, ES, GP, SJ)3
RRS 280Disrupting Science Fiction: Race, Gender, and Alternative Futures (C2, AERM)3
RRS 285Race, Sports, and Society (F, AERM)3
RRS 290Sounds of Resistance: Race, Rhythm, Rhyme, and Revolution (C1, AERM, GP)3
RRS 304Decolonize Your Diet: Food Justice and Gendered Labor in Communities of Color (UD-B, AERM, ES)3
RRS 330Comparative Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.: Class, Gender, and Nation (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
RRS 360Our Stories: Literatures of Race and Resistance (UD-C, AERM)3
RRS 365Race and Comedy in the United States (AERM)3
RRS 370Islamophobia: Roots, Development, and Contestation of Hatred (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 380Queer and Trans Ethnic Studies (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
RRS 410Grassroots Organizing for Change in Communities of Color (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
RRS 415Reclaiming the Bay: Grassroots Struggle Against Racial Capitalism (UD-D, AERM, ES, SJ)3
RRS 420Arab American Identity: Memory and Resistance (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 430Arab Media Images in America: Impact on Arab Americans (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 433Pacific Islanders in Film: Re-Presenting Oceania Through an Indigenous Lens (UD-C, AERM)3
RRS 435National Security and the Racialization of Arabs and Muslims in North America (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 450Contemporary Arabic and Arab American Literature (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
RRS 480Youth Culture, Race and Resistance (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
RRS 566Gender and Modernity in the Muslim and Arab Worlds (F, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 571Women, Race, and Class (UD-C, AERM, ES, GP, SJ)3
RRS 580Educational Equity (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
RRS 600History of People of Color in the U.S. (F, AERM, SJ, USH)3
RRS 625Mixed Race Studies: A Comparative Focus (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
RRS 630Palestine: Ethnic Studies Perspective (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
RRS 655Comparative Border Studies: Palestine and Mexico (AERM, ES, GP, SJ)3
RRS 657South Asian Diaspora (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
SOC 330Comparative Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.: Class, Gender, and Nation (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
SOC 410Grassroots Organizing for Change in Communities of Color (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
SOC 580Educational Equity (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
SOC 601Sexuality, Ethnicity, and Health (AERM)3
SPAN 223Bilingual English and Spanish Newswriting (AERM, GP)3
SXS 380Queer and Trans Ethnic Studies (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
SXS 440Native Sexualities and Queer Discourse (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
SXS 455Sex, Power, and Politics (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
SXS 551Queer Literatures and Media (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
SXS 601Sexuality, Ethnicity, and Health (AERM)3
SXS 633Queer(ing) Narrative Literature (AERM)3
TH A 559Women in Jazz (UD-C, AERM, USH)3
USP 580Housing Policy and Planning (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
WGS 150Women and Gender in U.S. History and Society (D2, AERM, SJ, USH)3
WGS 160Gender, Politics, and Citizenship (D3, AERM, USG/CSLG)3
WGS 200Introduction to Women and Gender Studies (D1, AERM, GP, SJ)3
WGS 200SPIntroduction to Women and Gender Studies - Spanish (D1, AERM, GP)3
WGS 303Feminist Artivism & Praxis (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
WGS 304Gender and Popular Culture (AERM, GP, SJ)3
WGS 420Native Genders and Feminism (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
WGS 440Native Sexualities and Queer Discourse (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
WGS 445Gendered Borders: Latinas and Globalization (F, AERM, GP, SJ)3
WGS 485Women and Media (UD-C, AERM, SJ)3
WGS 514Women and the Prison Industrial Complex (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3
WGS 515Gender, Race, and Reproductive Justice (UD-D, AERM, GP)3
WGS 541Women Writers and Social Change (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
WGS 542Gender and Popular Music (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
WGS 54620th Century American Jewish Women Writers (UD-C, AERM, GP)3
WGS 551Queer Literatures and Media (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)3
WGS 561Women, Ethnicity, and Social Movements (AERM, SJ)3
WGS 562History of African American Women (UD-D, AERM, SJ)3
WGS 565Muslim Feminisms (AERM, GP)3
WGS 566Gender and Modernity in the Muslim and Arab Worlds (F, AERM, GP, SJ)3
WGS 621Feminist Theories (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)3


AERM: American Ethnic and Racial Minorities
ES: Environmental Sustainability
GP: Global Perspectives
SJ: Social Justice