Minor in Comic Studies

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze and express how comics uniquely convey meaning as a distinct medium, identifying significant formal features in their development and speaking to their purpose and contribution to storytelling;
  2. Articulate a broad understanding of the history and evolution of the comics medium, an awareness of existing and emerging genres and styles of comics across the globe;
  3. Articulate an awareness of historically significant creators, and the place of individual works in relation to larger contexts;
  4. Effectively communicate a narrative or idea through the comics form utilizing a variety of different approaches;
  5. Recognize the ways that they can employ the comics form to speak to real-world situations including an awareness and sensitivity of the way in which working with visual images can provoke different effects than working solely with text;
  6. Use comics form as a means of self-discovery and expression.

Comic Studies Minor — 12 units

Students completing the minor will be required to take one core course and 9 additional units of electives.

A minimum of 6 upper-division units are required to complete the minor.

All coursework used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0.

Core (3 units)

HUM/CMX 235Comics and Culture3

Electives (9 units)

Select at least three of the following for a total of at least 9 units:

CMX/HUM/LS 304Making Comics3
CMX 540Topics in Comics Studies3
CMX/HUM 541Manga3
CMX 542San Francisco Underground Comix3
CMX 543Queer Comics3
CMX/HUM/LS 604Advanced Comics Making3
CMX/HUM 625Advanced Readings in Comics3
COMM 428Health Communication in Visual and Graphic Medicine2
ENG 300/C W 501Graphic Memoir and Biography3
GER 620German Comics in English: Encounters, Conflicts, and Changes3
GEOG/PH 434Geographies of Health and Health Care3
HIST 304Teaching History with Comics3
WGS 580Feminism and the Speculative: Another World is Possible3