ENGR 100 Introduction to Engineering (Units: 3)
Introduction to engineering skills, mindsets and values, with an emphasis on community-engaged and socially-just engineering practices. Project-based learning through open-ended engineering design. Description of the major engineering fields and the day to day activities of engineers. Emphasis on diverse forms of written communication. Engineering professionalism, ethics and responsibility, lifelong learning, and career planning. Lecture, 2 units; activity, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 101 Engineering Graphics (Unit: 1)
Engineering drawing as a means of communication. Principles of engineering graphics. Freehand sketching and introduction to AutoCAD. Basic AutoCAD commands. Engineering drawing with AutoCAD. Orthographic projection. Lines and dimensioning. Reading blueprints. Normal, inclined, and cylindrical surfaces. Sectional views. Laboratory. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 102 Statics (Units: 3)
Vector treatment of force systems acting on particles and rigid bodies. Centroids and moments of inertia. Trusses, machines, fluid statics, shear and moment diagrams for beams, and friction. Applications to structural and mechanical problems. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 103 Introduction to Computers (Unit: 1)
Introductory course on programming using a high-level language. Use of algorithms. Program organization, formulation, and solution of engineering problems. Laboratory. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 121 Gateway to Computer Engineering (Unit: 1)
Hands-on introduction to embedded computer systems. Basic laboratory instrumentation, electronic circuit assembly, measurement, and testing. Introduction to hardware and software of robots. Activity. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 200 Materials of Engineering (Units: 3)
Application of basic principles of physics and chemistry to engineering materials; their structures and properties and the means by which these materials can be made of better service to all fields of engineering. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 201 Dynamics (Units: 3)
Vector treatment of kinematics and kinetics of particles, systems of particles and rigid bodies. Methods of work, energy, impulse, and momentum. Vibrations and time response. Applications to one- and two-dimensional engineering problems. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 203 Materials of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Units: 3)
Application of basic principles of physics and chemistry to electrical and electronic engineering materials. Conductors, insulators, and semiconductors; electrical conductors; mechanical properties of conductors; manufacturing conductors; electrochemistry; electrical insulators; plastics; magnetic materials; superconductors and optical fibers. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 204 Engineering Mechanics (Units: 3)
Vector treatment of force systems, kinematics and kinetics. Centroids and moments of inertia. Equilibrium of internal stresses. Methods of acceleration, work, energy and momentum. Kinetic differential equations. Vibrations and time response. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 205 Electric Circuits (Units: 3)
Circuit analysis, modeling, equivalence, circuit theorems. PSpice simulation. Ideal transformers and operational amplifiers. Transient response of 1st-order circuits. AC response, phasor analysis, impedance, power. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 206 Circuits and Instrumentation Laboratory (Unit: 1)
Electrical measurements and laboratory instrumentation. Verification of circuit laws and theorems. Operational amplifier circuits. AC steady-state behavior and frequency response. Transient characteristics of first-order circuits. Introduction to PSpice. Laboratory. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 212 Introduction to Unix and Linux for Engineers (Units: 2)
Introduction to software development and program development in the Unix/Linux environment. File system organization and management, editors, utilities, network environment, pattern and file searching, command line interface, scripting languages. Lecture, 1 unit; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 213 Introduction to C Programming for Engineers (Units: 3)
Introduction to C programming; defining and analyzing problems; design of algorithms; implementation, testing, debugging, maintenance and documentation of programs; coverage of basic algorithms, programming concepts, and data types; C programming of microcontrollers. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 214 C Programming Laboratory (Unit: 1)
Introduction to embedded computer systems and microcontrollers with Arduino. Basic laboratory instrumentation, electronic circuit assembly, measurement, and testing. Hands-on introduction to C microcontroller programming and system design. Hands-on experiments on sensors, motors, and displays. Laboratory. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 221 Data Structures and Algorithms in Python (Units: 4)
Introduction to programming in Python. Linear and non-linear data structures, including lists, stacks, queues, trees, tables, and graphs. Recursion, iteration over collections, sorting, searching, Big O notation, and hash table. Lecture, 3 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 235 Surveying (Units: 3)
Surveying: distance, elevation, and direction measurements; traverse analysis; contours; topography; areas calculations. Introduction to GPS and GIS. The US public lands system. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 271 Introduction to MATLAB (Unit: 1)
Basic introduction to MATLAB language: array manipulations; control-flow; script and function files; simple 2-D plotting and editing; Simulink; graphical user interface. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 272 Engineering Project Management (Unit: 1)
An introduction to various concepts and tools associated with engineering project management. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 281 Probability and Statistics for Engineers (Units: 2)
Basics of probability and random variables, probabilistic processes, basic statistics, statistical significance, curve fitting and model fitting, Matlab basics, programming, and plotting. Matlab functions for statistical analysis, data analysis, and data visualization. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 290 Modular Elective (Unit: 1)
Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. May be repeated for a total of 3 units when topics vary. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
- Introduction to PSPICE
ENGR 291 Introduction to Creo Parametric (Unit: 1)
Introduction to 3D modeling using Creo Parametric. Fundamental concepts and user interface. Selection and editing of geometry, features, and models. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 292 Introduction to Solid Works - Level I (Unit: 1)
Introduction to fundamentals of 3D modeling in SolidWorks. Focus on file management, templates, sketching, and modeling techniques, and producing manufacturing drawings. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 294 Introduction to Microcontrollers (Unit: 1)
Introduction to the operating principles of microcontrollers. Programming of microcontrollers to read sensor inputs and produce control outputs. Hands-on applications involving actuators, peripherals, and electromechanical circuits. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 295 Design Methodology (Unit: 1)
Systematic methods for the design of engineering systems. Strategies to resolve technical and non-technical issues in engineering design. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 300 Engineering Experimentation (Units: 3)
Characteristics of instrumentation and computerized data acquisition. Design, planning, and documentation of experiments. Common methods of probability and statistics. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus ABC/NC grading only)
ENGR 301 Microelectronics Laboratory (Unit: 1)
Measurement techniques, device characterization, experimental verification, and PSpice simulation. Second-order transient and frequency responses. Characterization of diodes, BJTs, and FETs. Diode circuits, transistor amplifiers, simple logic gates. Laboratory. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus ABC/NC grading only)
ENGR 302 Experimental Analysis (Unit: 1)
Experimental investigation and analysis of engineering systems including structural elements, fluid devices, and thermal systems. Use of computers for data acquisition. Laboratory. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus ABC/NC grading only)
ENGR 303 Engineering Thermodynamics (Units: 3)
Application of thermodynamics to a variety of energy exchanging devices; properties of the pure substance, ideal gases, and mixtures; power and refrigeration cycles. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 304 Mechanics of Fluids (Units: 3)
Statics and dynamics of incompressible fluids, dimensional analysis, and similitude; fluid friction, laminar, and turbulent flow in pipes; forces on submerged structures; fluid measurements. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 305 Linear Systems Analysis (Units: 3)
Signal and linear system analysis in the time and frequency domains. System response to continuous and discontinuous signals. Convolution. Fourier series, Fourier transform and Laplace transform. State-space methods. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 306 Electromechanical Systems (Units: 3)
Electromechanical energy conversion. Operating characteristics of transformers; DC and AC rotating machines: speed, torque, and profile control. Motion control system using stepper motors. System design, specifications, and simulation. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 307 Systems Dynamics and Mechanical Vibrations (Units: 3)
Modeling and analysis of dynamic systems (particles and rigid bodies) including translational and rotational mechanical systems, fluid systems, and electrical systems. Numerical and analytical solutions of linear algebraic and ordinary differential equations in Time and Laplace domain governing the behavior of single and multiple degree of freedom systems. Discussion of free and forced vibration of mechanical systems, as well as periodic and aperiodic excitation, and vibration isolation. Determination of Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 309 Mechanics of Solids (Units: 3)
Shear and bending moment diagrams. Analysis of bending and shear stresses in beams. Stress transformation and failure theories. Deformation of beams. Column buckling. Torsion. Elastic and ultimate resistance of materials. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 315 Systems Analysis Lab (Unit: 1)
Laboratory exercises on signal and linear systems in time and frequency domains using Matlab. Linearity and time invariance. Solution of differential equations. Convolution. Fourier series and Fourier transform. Laplace Transform. State-space methods. Laboratory. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 323 Structural Analysis (Units: 3)
Structural engineering, including standards and codes. Determination of loads, discussion of load path. Analysis of statically determined structures. Forces within statically indeterminate structures. Structural analysis software. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 340 Programming Methodology for Engineers (Units: 4)
Advanced data structures and algorithms for manipulating them in Python. Emphasis on using object-oriented design techniques to implement a variety of practical applications. Algorithm coverage includes creating Python classes, inheritance and polymorphism, exception handling, Python data structures, method and operator overloading, strings and serialization and threads. Lecture, 3 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 350 Introduction to Engineering Electromagnetics (Units: 3)
Transmission lines. Vector analysis. Static electric and magnetic fields. Boundary value problems. Maxwell's equations.
ENGR 353 Microelectronics (Units: 3)
PN Diodes, BJTs, and MOSFETs. Semiconductor device basics, characteristics, and models. Diode applications. Transistor biasing, basic amplifier configurations, and basic logic circuits. PSpice simulation. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 354 Electronics for Computer Engineers (Units: 4)
Introduction to semiconductor device basics. Topics include diodes and diode applications; transistors, basic logic input/output circuits, and basic amplifier configurations; basic memory technologies and circuits; and operational amplifiers, comparators, digital-to-analog convertors, and analog-to-digital convertors. Lecture, 3 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 356 Digital Design (Units: 3)
Number systems. Design of combinational and sequential circuits. Logic simplification. Digital functional units such as adders, decoders, multiplexers, registers, and counters. State-machine design. Storage and programmable devices. Register transfer level.
ENGR 357 Digital Design Laboratory (Unit: 1)
Circuit construction and troubleshooting techniques. EDA tools and simulation. Combinational and sequential circuits. Semiconductor memory. Laboratory. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 364 Materials and Manufacturing Processes (Units: 3)
Integration of stress analysis and failure theories with knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes in machine design. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 378 Digital Systems Design (Units: 3)
CMOS digital circuits and their electrical properties. Logic circuit design with functional units. Algorithmic sequential machine design. Design with programmable logic devices. Hardware description and simulation language. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 410 Process Instrumentation and Control (Units: 3)
Principles of control and instrumentation. Control of level, flow, temperature, and pressure. Actuators and transducers. Process modeling. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 411 Instrumentation and Process Control Laboratory (Unit: 1)
Instrumentation for measurement of flow, temperature, level, and pressure. Experiments on level, flow, and temperature control. P, PI, PID, and programmable logic controllers. Laboratory. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 413 Artificial Intelligence in Engineering (Units: 3)
Introduction to AI techniques and algorithms to solve complex engineering problems and improve the performance of engineering systems. Basics of machine learning, statistical methods for the analysis of data, deep learning, neural nets and their use to solve defined tasks. Development, testing and deployment of AI models and their applications. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 415 Mechatronics (Units: 4)
Basics of a multidisciplinary field that combines electronics, mechanical design and simulation, and control systems. Simulation and design of systems with sensors, controllers, and actuators. System elements, including common sensors, actuators, and various electronic controllers. Lecture, 3 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 425 Reinforced Concrete Structures (Units: 3)
Design of reinforced concrete structural systems. Elements of systems including beams, slabs, columns, connections. Ultimate strength approach to safety and serviceability: bending, shear, and axial loads. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 426 Steel Structures (Units: 3)
Design of steel structures, members, and connections. Effects of loads causing flexure, shear and axial force, and their combinations in design choices. Steels and sections used in structural design. Use of design specifications. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 427 Wood Structures (Units: 3)
Design of wood structures. Design procedures and specifications of the wood structural members subjected to tension, compression, flexure, and combined bending with axial forces. Design building codes and seismic provisions of wood structures. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 429 Construction Management (Units: 3)
Construction engineering and management; professional practice and ethics; bidding and contracting; planning and scheduling, network diagrams, scheduling computations, resource management, computer applications; cost estimating; construction safety. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 430 Soil Mechanics (Units: 3)
Soil as an engineering material with emphasis on identification, physical, and mechanical properties. Evaluation of water flow through soil, settlement, soil strength, earth pressure, pile pullout capacity, and basic slope stability. Laboratory-based term project. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 431 Foundation Engineering (Units: 3)
Settlement of structures on deep and shallow foundations. Evaluation of undrained and drained soil strength. Analysis and design of gravity, cantilever, and anchored walls. Ultimate capacity of deep and shallow foundations. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 434 Principles of Environmental Engineering (Units: 3)
Fundamentals of environmental engineering: water quality, water chemistry, water treatment, air quality, and solid waste management. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 435 Environmental Engineering Design (Units: 3)
Design concepts for environmental engineering systems relating to municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, disposal, and reuse. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 436 Transportation Engineering (Units: 3)
Principles, theories, and practice of transportation planning and design. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 438 Transportation Planning (Units: 3)
Introduction to the principles and methods of planning transportation infrastructure. Techniques and tools to estimate traffic generated by land use development and forecast traffic growths. Applications of decision and economic theory on travel behaviors and congestion pricing. Environmental impact analysis in the context of transportation-land use systems. Planning methods and design guidance for bikes and pedestrians. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 439 Construction Engineering (Units: 3)
Topics in construction engineering; construction methods and equipment, excavating, loading, hauling, and finishing; production of construction materials; compressed air and water systems; concrete form design; quality control. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 441 Fundamentals of Composite Materials (Units: 3)
Mechanics of long-, short-, and particle-reinforced composites. Stress, strain, and stiffness transformations. Mechanics of a single orthotropic ply. Laminated plate theory. Residual stress, fracture mechanics, delamination, fatigue; environmental effects, and thermomechanical properties. Manufacturing processes. Composites design, sustainability, and recycling. (Plus-minus letter grade)
ENGR 442 Operational Amplifier Systems Design (Units: 3)
Design of op-amp amplifiers, signal converters, conditioners, filters. Negative feedback, practical op-amp limitations. Voltage comparators, Schmitt triggers, nonlinear signal processing. Sinewave oscillators, multivibrators, timers. Design project, PSpice simulation. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 445 Analog Integrated Circuit Design (Units: 4)
Integrated circuit technology, transistor characteristics, and models. Analysis and design of monolithic op-amps. Frequency response, negative feedback, stability, PSpice simulation. Lecture, 3 units; laboratory, 1 unit. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 446 Control Systems Laboratory (Unit: 1)
Simulation and modeling of control systems using Matlab and Simulink. Control experiments using servomotors and industrial emulators. Control project. Laboratory. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 447 Control Systems (Units: 3)
Analysis and design of continuous and discrete control systems. Systems modeling and stability. System compensation using root-locus and frequency domain techniques. Z-transforms, discrete transfer functions, and state-space representation. Control of digital systems using state-space methods. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 448 Electrical Power Systems (Units: 3)
Operating characteristics of transmission lines, transformers, and machines. Symmetrical component theory and sequence network method. Use commercial programs to conduct load flow study, short circuit analysis, and economic dispatch problems. State estimation, unit commitment, and system transient and stability issues. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 449 Communication Systems (Units: 3)
Review of linear systems. Amplitude (AM), frequency (FM), and phase (PM) modulation systems. Transmitter and receiver design. Frequency and time-domain multiplexing. Digital modulation techniques: line coding, pulse shaping, channel equalization techniques. Error-correcting techniques.
ENGR 451 Digital Signal Processing (Units: 4)
Properties of discrete-time systems. Convolution. Difference equations. Sampling and reconstruction of analog signals. Z-transforms and inverse z-transforms. Design of FIR and IIR filters. Discrete Fourier series and transform. Fast Fourier transform algorithms. Lecture, 3 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 453 Digital Integrated Circuit Design (Units: 4)
Integrated circuit technology, transistor characteristics, and models. MOS and bipolar logic families, noise margins, speed, power, fanout, interfacing, PSpice simulation. Regenerative circuits and memories. Lecture, 3 units; laboratory, 1 unit. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 454 Application Specific Integrated Circuit Design (Units: 4)
Concepts and methodologies established for design and automated ASIC implementation of complex digital designs. Design at the system level using hardware description language. Implementing design in hardware using the ASIC design flow. Standard cell ASIC design flow involving steps of automated logic synthesis and optimization to gate-level, and layout generation using automated placement and routing. Lecture, 3 units; laboratory, 1 unit.
ENGR 455 Power Electronics (Units: 3)
Power device characteristics. Circuit and component design and analysis concepts. Uncontrolled and phase-controlled rectifier circuits. DC to DC converters. Switching DC power supply. Pulse width modulation. DC to AC inverter. Utility interface and harmonic issues. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. Extra fee required.
ENGR 456 Computer Systems (Units: 3)
Computer performance measurements. Instruction set architecture. Program sequencing. Basic processor organization, arithmetic-logic unit, simple and pipelined datapaths. Hardwired and microprogrammed control. Memory system configuration, cache, and virtual memory management. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 458 Renewable Electrical Power Systems and Smart Grid (Units: 3)
Introduction to electric power industry; electric circuit and electric power; transmission lines; transformers; synchronous generators; photo-voltaic systems; wind power systems; smart grid. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 461 Structural Dynamics (Units: 3)
Dynamic excitation and response of mechanical and structural systems. Frequency and time domain; energy methods, Rayleigh's principle, modal analysis. Vibration damping, resonance, isolation, absorption parametric excitation, and influence coefficients. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 462 Failure Mechanics and Prevention (Units: 3)
Introduction to theories and criteria for failure of solid materials including the field of Linear Elastics Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). Introduction of damage/aging mechanism such as creep, fatigue, and corrosion. Methods for controlling and preventing failure using non-destructive testing/examination and fracture control plans.
ENGR 463 Thermal Power Systems (Units: 3)
Application of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer to the design of energy systems. Economic and environmental aspects stressed as design criteria. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 464 Mechanical Design (Units: 3)
Application of principles of mechanics, materials science, and stress analysis to the design of components and machines. Mechanical behavior of materials. Synthesis and analysis of a major machine design project. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. Extra fee required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 465 Principles of HVAC (Units: 3)
Air requirements in buildings, heating, and cooling load calculation methods and computer software, heating and cooling equipment, flow in pipes and ducts, and cleanroom technology. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 466 Gas Dynamics and Boundary Layer Flow (Units: 3)
Review of the fundamentals of fluid dynamics, formulation, and application of compressible fluid flow, shock waves. Concept and formulation of laminar and turbulent boundary layers, external flows, flow around immersed bodies. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 467 Heat Transfer (Units: 3)
Fundamental principles of heat transfer with applications to design. Examination of conduction, transient and steady-state, free and forced convection, radiation, and heat exchangers. Heat exchangers. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 469 Alternative and Renewable Energy Systems (Units: 3)
Theory and practical applications of renewable energy systems, including solar, hydro, and wind power. Biomass and biofuels. Environmental, social, and economic factors related to energy conversion processes. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 470 Biomechanics (Units: 3)
Understanding and characterizing the mechanical behavior of biological tissues and systems. Emphasis on the fundamentals of biomechanics including force analysis, mechanics of deformable bodies, stress analysis, and viscoelasticity. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 476 Computer Communications Networks (Units: 3)
Technological precedence and alternatives in setting up a computer communication network. OSI, DSL, cable modems, PPP, Ethernet, TCP/IP, wireless LANs, Frame Relay, ATM, and SONET topics. Lecture, 2 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 478 Design with Microprocessors (Units: 4)
Examines basic microprocessor/microcontroller architecture, assembly and C language programming, system bus and interfacing with memory and I/O devices, serial and parallel communications, timer and counter functions, polling and interrupt, A-D and D-A conversion, and microcontroller-based embedded system design. Lecture, 3 units; laboratory, 1 unit. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 492 Hardware for Machine Learning (Units: 3)
Introduction to various neural networks, and their circuit implementation for machine learning. Focus on the synergy among algorithms, software, and hardware in pursuit of energy efficiency neural network computing technologies. Cover basic programming languages such as Pythons, C/C++ with CUDA, and basic circuit simulation tools, such as hspice. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 498 Advanced Design with Microcontrollers (Units: 4)
Advanced topics on design with modern microcontrollers including advanced microcontroller architecture, system bus and interfacing with memory and I/O devices, advanced serial interfaces, direct memory access, pulse width modulation, memory and power management, and introduction to real-time operating systems. Develop microcontroller-based real-time embedded systems. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 610 Engineering Cost Analysis (Units: 3)
Quantifying alternative for decision making, time-value of money, project investment evaluation, comparison of alternatives, engineering practice applications, and introduction to value engineering. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 693 Cooperative Education Program (Units: 3-12)
Intended for engineering majors. Supervised employment in an academically relevant field of study. Units do not count toward the major. May be repeated for a total of 24 units. (CR/NC grading only)
ENGR 694 Cooperative Education in Engineering (Unit: 1)
Written and oral report of work performed with outside agency. Evaluation of work by engineering adviser and/or faculty committee. May be repeated for up to 8 units. (CR/NC grading only)
ENGR 696 Engineering Design Project I (Unit: 1)
Selection of design project, methods of research, time management, and engineering professional practice and ethics.
ENGR 696 and
ENGR 697GW when completed with a C or better satisfy the 3 unit Written English Proficiency/GWAR. Laboratory. (Plus-minus ABC/NC grading only)
ENGR 697GW Engineering Design Project II - GWAR (Units: 2)
Continued work on a design project with maximum independence under the supervision of a faculty adviser. Oral and written project reports required. May be repeated in the case of a double major. (Plus-minus ABC/NC grading only)
- Graduation Writing Assessment
ENGR 699 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)
Special study in the laboratory, field, or library under the direction of a member of the division. The student must present a detailed written report of the work accomplished. May be repeated.
ENGR 800 Research Methodology (Units: 3)
Research methods for engineering graduate students. Literature review resources and techniques; technical writing and presentation skills; design of experimental and modeling studies; data analysis and presentation methods. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 801 Engineering Management (Units: 3)
History and evolution of engineering, ethics and professionalism, business aspects of contracts and specifications, litigation and arbitration, planning and scheduling, quality control, and personnel management. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 820 Energy Resources and Sustainability (Units: 3)
Overview of conventional and renewable energy resources. Energy conversion processes, flow pathways, and end uses. Environmental impacts, sustainability, and economics of energy systems.
ENGR 826 Seismic Hazard Analysis (Units: 3)
Fundamentals of seismic hazard analysis, strong ground motions, attenuation relations; probabilistic and deterministic methods; seismic code provisions and ground motions. Introduction of appropriate selection of acceleration records for dynamic analysis. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 827 Structural Design for Fire Safety (Units: 3)
Standard fire time-temperature curve and its limitations, properties of concrete, steel, and fire protection materials at elevated temperature engineering; load capacity of structural components under fire; fire resistance design of steel, composite, concrete, and timber structures. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 828 Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation (Units: 3)
Concepts of base isolation and energy dissipation for seismic hazard mitigation.
ENGR 829 Advanced Topics in Structural Engineering (Units: 3)
Theory of structures in historic perspective. Advanced structural analysis (matrix methods). Nonlinear theories and post-buckling. Introduction to structural stability. Introduction to nonlinear analysis and performance-based design. Concepts and application of Finite Element Analysis. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 831 Advanced Concrete Structures (Units: 3)
Advanced design of reinforced concrete structural systems. Design of reinforced concrete frames considering seismic loads. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 832 Advanced Topics in Seismic Design (Units: 3)
Application of computer software for structural design. General concepts of energy dissipation systems. Current methods of structural control. Implementation issues, case studies, and seismic code provisions. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 833 Principles of Earthquake Engineering (Units: 3)
Earthquake ground motions; development of response spectra and effects of local site conditions on spectra. Dynamic response of single and multi-degree of freedom systems to earthquakes. Seismic damage to buildings. Earthquake resistive design. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 835 Advanced Steel Structures (Units: 3)
Advanced design of steel structures, plate girders, and connections. Steel structural design considering effects of torsion and combined bending and axial load. Design of steel frames considering seismic loads. Steel design emphasizing Load and Resistance Factor Design. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 836 Structural Design for Earthquakes (Units: 3)
Earthquake resisting systems in buildings; seismic design criteria for structures; seismic upgrade and retrofit; computer applications in structural modeling and analysis for seismic forces.
ENGR 837 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (Units: 3)
Vibration analysis of discrete and continuous systems. Earthquake engineering. Dynamic soil properties. Deterministic and probabilistic ground response analysis. Evaluation and mitigation of liquefaction hazards. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 838 Smart Structures Technology (Units: 3)
Focus on smart structure technologies in the applications to structures, including areas of structural control, structural health monitoring, and smart sensing. Topics include structural system identification, stability analysis, sensor data acquisition systems, and signal processing tailored specifically for structural engineering. (Plus-minus letter grade)
ENGR 839 Advanced Topics in Civil Engineering (Units: 3)
A mix of advanced topics in major civil engineering fields, such as structural, geotechnical, and transportation, and environmental engineering. Topics may include performance-based/resilient design methods, experimental techniques, surrogate models, spatial analysis of travel data, transportation safety, and Internet-of-Things technology. Key attributes in soil stability and stiffness, retaining wall design, experimental design and interpretation of various soil tests may also be discussed. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 844 Embedded Systems (Units: 3)
Design of real-time embedded systems by combining principles of microcontroller interfacing, software development, data processing, memory management, and power management into the design of microcontroller-based systems. Discussion of trends and challenges of modern embedded systems and applications. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 845 Neural-Machine Interfaces: Design and Applications (Units: 3)
Introduction to the concepts, designs, and challenges of neural-machine interfaces (muscle-machine interfaces, brain-computer interfaces, etc.) and their applications (e.g., neuroprosthetics, gesture-controlled devices) from an engineering perspective. Design real-time neural-machine interfaces and applications by combining principles of neural signal processing, machine learning, and real-time computer system design. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 848 Digital VLSI Design (Units: 3)
Fundamental metrics for quantitative evaluation of design. Basics of CMOS transistors and technology. Silicon technology scaling different logic styles. Design of combinational and sequential circuits in CMOS. Interconnects. Layout techniques. Designing arithmetic building blocks. Memory technology and design. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 849 Advanced Analog IC Design (Units: 3)
Fundamentals of analog integrated circuits design along with the nanometer CMOS technology; introduction of the mixed-signal IC design theories and practices; advanced analog IC blocks; practice of the analog design using state-of-art CAD tools. (Plus-minus letter grade only.)
ENGR 850 Digital Design Verification (Units: 3)
Concepts and methodologies established for verification of complex digital designs, based on the language of System Verilog that has evolved as a standard language for verification and testbench design. Verification methodologies include random stimulus generation with automatic self-checking features to detect design bugs, and with coverage features as a measure of the level of confidence in verification.
ENGR 851 Advanced Microprocessor Architectures (Units: 3)
Microprocessor architecture and register organization. Multiprogramming, process scheduling and synchronization, and multitasking. Memory management and privileged machine states. Examples of 32-bit machines. Reduced architectures: RISC approach, MIPS. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 852 Advanced Digital Design (Units: 3)
Design of complex digital systems, design modeling using hardware description language, verification of digital designs by simulation, testbench design, timing design in digital systems, automated synthesis and physical implementation of digital designs, logic synthesis, design optimization, testing and design for testability, physical design. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 853 Advanced Topics in Computer Communication and Networks (Units: 3)
Computer communication networks for broadband services; current networking and communication technologies; new technologies and their utilization in emerging broadband multimedia applications. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 856 Nanoscale Circuits and Systems (Units: 3)
Nano-scale VLSI devices, circuits and systems, design challenges in nano-scale electronics including high-performance and low-power, challenges of IC technology scaling, nano-scale CMOS, technologies and solutions at different levels of abstraction. Requires class project. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 858 Hardware Security and Trust (Units: 3)
Covers the state-of-the-art security methods and devices as well as emerging technologies and security trends for securing physical objects and components. Presents the possible vulnerabilities in the design & fabrication processes and provides strong solutions to prevent/protect malicious attacks on hardware/systems. Develops a deep understanding of attacks and the possible countermeasures against them. (ABC/NC grading only)
ENGR 859 On-Device Machine Learning (Units: 3)
Examine and explore various aspects of machine learning for mobile devices including the basics of machine learning, deep learning, deep learning training and inference, and co-optimization of algorithms and hardware. Includes practical opportunities to learn how to build, train, optimize, and deploy machine learning models that can run on low-power mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, embedded systems, and microcontrollers). (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 860 Applied Engineering Analysis (Units: 3)
Applied mathematical techniques and tools for engineering analysis at the graduate level. Topics include ordinary and partial differential equations; linear algebra and matrices; numerical methods; probability and statistics; use of software tools. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 863 Advanced Thermal-Fluids (Units: 3)
Development of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics concepts at the graduate level. Topics include chemical reactions, chemical and phase equilibrium, and compressible flow. Emphasis on the use of software tools for engineering analysis. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 864 Transport Phenomena (Units: 3)
Basic Concepts and Fundamentals, Governing Equations of Fluid Motion; Derivation and Exact Solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations; Laminar and Turbulent Flows; Derivation, exact and approximate solutions of isothermal and non-isothermal flows in a laminar and turbulent flow. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 865 Energy-Efficient Buildings (Units: 3)
Theory and implementation of energy-efficient building technologies. Topics include energy-efficient systems for HVAC, lighting, and water heating, building thermal management, and building energy simulation. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 866 Air Quality Engineering (Units: 3)
Review of air quality standards and environmental and human health impacts of airborne pollutants. Analysis of pollutant formation mechanisms, atmospheric fate and transport, and engineering strategies for emissions measurement and control. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 867 Energy Auditing and Measurement and Verification (Units: 3)
Focus on detailed methods for energy audit and measurement and verification of energy savings in commercial and industrial facilities; details on utility rate schedules, benchmarking, and various energy efficiency and conversation measures and methods.
ENGR 868 Advanced Control Systems (Units: 3)
Advanced feedback control and simulation techniques. Sensor filtering and estimation. State space control and modern control topics. Real-time control and implementation in embedded systems. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 869 Robotics (Units: 3)
Kinematics and kinetics of robotic manipulators including serial manipulators, parallel manipulators and legged robots. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 870 Robot Control (Units: 3)
Control system design and analysis within the field of robotics through solving engineering control challenges in robot manipulation. Examine feedback control, robot modeling and system identification, motion planning, impedance and force control, feedback linearization, and passivity-based control. Hands-on application of robot control and motion planning. Discussion of practical robot areas including autonomous robots, haptics, collaborative and underactuated robots. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 871 Advanced Electrical Power Systems (Units: 3)
Theoretical and practical aspects of transients in electric power systems, with a focus on the integration of renewable energy systems into the existing electrical grid. Topics include switching transients and commutation effects, surge phenomena and system protection, and reactive power. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 890 Static Timing Analysis for Nanometer Designs (Units: 3)
Examine static timing analysis; timing terminology; interconnect parasitics; crosstalk noise; timing checks: setup, hold, and asynchronous recovery and removal checks; and techniques for timing improvement in Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC). (Plus-minus letter grade only)
ENGR 895 Applied Research Project (Units: 3)
Comprehensive research-based engineering study detailing the objectives, methods, and findings of the research. An oral presentation is required. Advancement to Candidacy and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Division of Graduate Studies before registration. (Plus-minus letter grade, CR/NC, RP)
ENGR 897 Research (Units: 3)
Independent investigation or significant design project under the supervision of an Engineering faculty member. Intended as the research investigation leading to the master's thesis. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. (Plus-minus AB/NC, RP)
ENGR 898 Master's Thesis (Units: 3)
(Plus-minus AB/NC, RP)
ENGR 899 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)
Special study of a particular problem or subject under the direction of a member of the department. Open only to graduate students in engineering. Students must present a detailed written report of the work accomplished to the department faculty. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.