Bachelor of Music Roadmap

128 Total Units Required
Minimum Number of Units in the Major: 66

This roadmap is a suggested plan of study and does not replace meeting with an advisor. Please note that students may need to adjust the actual sequence of courses based on course availability. Please consult an advisor in your major program for further guidance.

Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterUnits
ENG 114 Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice (A2) 1 3
MUS 130/TH A 131 The Foundations of Music Theory (Hidden Prerequisite for MUS 231) 3
MUS 150 Concert Music (Major Core) 2 0
GE Area A 3 3
GE Area B: Quantitative Reasoning (B4) 4 3
SF State Studies or University Elective 4
Second Semester
MUS 150 Concert Music (Major Core) 2 0
MUS/TH A 221 Fundamentals of Ear Training and Musicianship I (Major Core) 2
MUS 231 Species Counterpoint (Major Core) 3
GE Area A 3
GE Area B: Physical Science (B1) and Laboratory Science (B3) 5 3-4
GE Area E 3
Third Semester
MUS 150 Concert Music (Major Core) 2 0
MUS 222 Fundamentals of Ear Training and Musicianship II (Major Core) 2
MUS 232 Diatonic Harmony (Major Core) 3
GE Area B: Life Science (B2) and Laboratory Science (B3) 5 3-4
GE Area C 3
GE Area D 3
Fourth Semester
MUS 150 Concert Music (Major Core) 2 0
MUS 223 Fundamentals of Ear Training and Musicianship III (Major Core) 2
MUS 403 Chromatic Harmony (Major Core) 3
GE Area C 3
GE Area D 3
GE Area F ± 3
U.S. and California Government 3
Fifth Semester
MUS 150 Concert Music (Major Core) 2 0
MUS 420 20th Century Techniques (Major Core) 3
MUS 542GW Music in Culture and Context - GWAR (Major Core) 3
Area of Emphasis (36-49 units) - Take Three to Seven 6 7
GE Area UD-B: Upper-Division Physical and/or Life Sciences 3
Sixth Semester
MUS 150 Concert Music (Major Core) 2 0
MUS 550 Western European Music History from the Middle Ages to 1750 (Major Core) 3
Area of Emphasis (36-49 units) - Take Four to Eleven 6 11
SF State Studies or University Elective 3
Seventh Semester
MUS 150 Concert Music (Major Core) 2 0
MUS 551 European and American Classical Music History of the 18th and 19th Century (Major Core) 3
Area of Emphasis (36-49 units) - Take Four to Eleven 6 11
GE Area UD-D: Upper-Division Social Sciences 3
Eighth Semester
MUS 150 Concert Music (Major Core) 2 0
MUS 552 Classical Music History of Europe and the Americas in the 20th Century (Major Core) 3
Area of Emphasis (36-49 units) - Take Five to Fourteen 6 14
 Total Units128-130

ENG 114 can only be taken if you complete Directed Self-Placement (DSP) and select ENG 114; if you choose ENG 104/ENG 105 through DSP you will satisfy A2 upon successful completion of ENG 105 in the second semester; multilingual students may be advised into alternative English courses.


Required each semester for Music majors.


To avoid taking additional units, it is recommended that you meet the SF State Studies (AERM, GP, ES, SJ) requirements within your GE or major.


To determine the best B4 course option, students should complete the online advising activity at Questions? Contact Gator Smart Start.


Consider taking a class combined with a laboratory or a separate lab to fulfill B3 if not already satisfied.


Area of Emphasis (36-49 units)

To fulfill the requirements of the major in the Bachelor of Music, students must complete an additional 36–49 units of coursework upon advisement. With a faculty advisor, students select an area of emphasis based on interests and areas in which to build expertise. Several areas of emphasis from which students may choose are listed below.

Piano Performance Emphasis (36 units)

MUS 382 Keyboard Harmony (1 units)

MUS 303 Keyboard Major (1 units)

MUS 360 Advanced Applied Music Lessons (1 units)

Ensemble Series: Two semesters of enrollment in a large, conducted ensemble is required. A minimum of 2 units large classical ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Opera Workshop, Chorus).

MUS 371 Orchestra (2 units)

MUS 372 Wind Ensemble (2 units)

MUS 373 Chamber Singers (2 units)

MUS 375 Treble Singers "The Higher Ups" (2 units)

MUS 379 University Chorus (2 units)

MUS 382 - MUS 385

MUS 378 Chamber Music (2 units)

MUS 383 Piano Accompaniment (1 units)

MUS 384 Piano Ensemble (1 units)

MUS 391 Piano Sightreading (1 units)

MUS 392 Piano Performance Practicum (0 units)

MUS 405 Tonal Counterpoint (3 units)

MUS 614 Piano Pedagogy (2 units)

MUS 640 Ensemble Conducting (2 units)

Senior Recital is required

Vocal Performance Emphasis (39 units)

MUS 201 Class Piano I (1 units)

MUS 202 Class Piano II (1 units)

MUS 301 Advanced Class Piano (1 units)

MUS 313/TH A 318 Voice Major Applied Instruction (1 unit)

MUS 360 Advanced Applied Music Lessons (1 units)

MUS 371 Orchestra (2 units)-MUS 390 Jazz Band (2 units)

Major Instruction must have concurrent enrollment in a large classical ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chorus),

MUS 560 Lyric Diction I (2 units)

MUS 561 Lyric Diction II (2 units)

MUS 565 Vocal Literature (3 units)

MUS 612 The Voice (3 units)

MUS 640 Ensemble Conducting (2 units)

2 units of Music Electives on Advisement

Senior Recital is required

Instrumental Performance Emphasis (41 units)

MUS 201 Class Piano I (1 units)

MUS 202 Class Piano II (1 units)

MUS 353 Instrumental Major (1 units)

MUS 360 Advanced Applied Music Lessons (1 units)

MUS 371 Orchestra (2 units)-MUS 390 Jazz Band (2 units)

Major Instruction must have concurrent enrollment in a large classical ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chorus)

MUS 405 Tonal Counterpoint (3 units)

MUS 640 Ensemble Conducting (2 units)

3 units of Music electives on advisement

Senior Recital is required

Composition Emphasis (36 units)

Students wishing to qualify for the composition emphasis file an "Intent to Apply" form at the completion of MUS 232, and make their actual application to the program at the end of the sophomore year. The application consists of an application form, a transcript, and a portfolio of compositions. A portfolio of scores and recordings of works written for a variety of ensembles must also be submitted and approved before graduation from the program.

MUS 201 Class Piano I (1 units)

MUS 202 Class Piano II (1 units)

MUS 301 Advanced Class Piano (1 units)

Units on advisement from MUS 303 - MUS 313 - MUS 353 Piano, Voice, or Instrumental Major

Major Instruction must have concurrent enrollment in a large classical ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chorus),

MUS 371 Orchestra (2 units)-MUS 390 Jazz Band (2 units) Ensemble Series (1 each)

MUS 405 Tonal Counterpoint (3 units)

MUS 415 Orchestration (3 units)

MUS 460 Repertoire for Composers (1 units)

MUS 640 Ensemble Conducting (2 units)

Select one of the following on advisement:

MUS 532 Music of Latin America (3 units)

      or other advisor approved elective

2 units of Music Electives on Advisement

In addition, candidates must pass the junior qualifying examination in one instrument or voice.

Jazz Emphasis (45-49 units)

MUS 201 Class Piano I (1 units)

MUS 202 Class Piano II (1 units)

MUS 206 Beginning Jazz/Pop Piano (1 units)

Upon advisement, for MUS 201 and MUS 206, jazz piano majors may substitute from the following three courses:

MUS 382 Keyboard Harmony (1 units)

MUS 383 Piano Accompaniment (1 units)

MUS 391 Piano Sightreading (1 units)

Piano, Voice, or Instrumental Major:

2 semesters of applied classical lessons are required before admission to the major

MUS 303 Keyboard Major (1 units)

MUS 313 Voice Major Applied Instruction (1 units)

MUS 353 Instrumental Major (1 units)

MUS 360 Advanced Applied Music Lessons (1 units) (1 unit course taken 6-8 times)

MUS 371 - MUS 390 (2 units must be in large classical ensembles)

Major Instruction must have concurrent enrollment in MUS 371 - MUS 390 Ensemble Series

Major instruction in one instrument or voice: minimum 2 units large classical ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chorus) for students studying orchestral instruments or voice: minimum 2 units in Jazz and/or Creative Music performance classes for those students studying Jazz and Creative 2 units required (1 unit per semester). 2 units maximum (1 unit per semester)

MUS 270 Improvisation Techniques (2 units)

MUS 431 Jazz Improvisation (2 units)

MUS 432 Jazz Improvisation II (2 units)

MUS 440 Jazz Harmony (3 units)

MUS 441 Jazz Composition and Arranging (3 units)

MUS 558 Music of John Coltrane (3 units)

3 units of Music Electives on Advisement

Required performance and passing of a Senior Recital

History and Literature Emphasis (42 units)

Piano, Voice, or Instrumental Major:

MUS 303 Keyboard Major (1 units)

MUS 313 Voice Major Applied Instruction (1 units)

MUS 353 Instrumental Major (1 units)

MUS 201 Class Piano I (1 units)

MUS 202 Class Piano II (1 units)

MUS 301 Advanced Class Piano (1 units)

MUS 371 - MUS 390 Ensemble Series (1 each)

Major Instruction must have concurrent enrollment in MUS 371 - MUS 390 Ensemble Series

Major instruction in one instrument or voice: minimum 2 units large classical ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chorus) for students studying orchestral instruments or voice: minimum 2 units in Jazz and/or Creative Music performance classes for those students studying Jazz and Creative 2 units required (1 unit per semester). 2 units maximum (1 unit per semester)

MUS 405 Tonal Counterpoint (3 units)

MUS 415 Orchestration (3 units)

MUS 598 Senior Thesis (1 units)

MUS 640 Ensemble Conducting (2 units)

Select 12 units from the following:

MUS 532 Music of Latin America (3 units)

or other advisor approved elective

Select 5 units of electives on advisement

In addition, candidates must pass the junior qualifying examination in one instrument or voice and demonstrate basic reading knowledge of French, German, or another appropriate language.

Music Education Emphasis (38-41 units)

All Music Education Emphasis students complete the Music Education emphasis core courses and choose one option from Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, or the Diversified Program as shown below. Students must also present a recital.

Music Education Emphasis Core Courses (13 units)

MUS 351 Class Orchestral and Band Instruments I (1 units)

MUS 433 Introduction to Music Technology (2 units)

MUS 608 Early Field Experience in Music Education (2 units)

MUS 616 Woodwind Methods for Music Educators (2 units)

MUS 618 String Methods for Music Educators (2 units)

MUS 620 Brass Instrument Methods for Music Educators (2 units)

MUS 640 Ensemble Conducting (2 units)

Instrumental Music Option (25 units)

Select two of the following on advisement:

MUS 301 Advanced Class Piano (1 units)

MUS 270 Improvisation Techniques (2 units)

MUS 353 Instrumental Major (1 units)

MUS 371 - MUS 390 

Major Instruction must have concurrent enrollment in MUS 371 - MUS 390 Ensemble Series

Major instruction in one instrument or voice: minimum 2 units large classical ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chorus) for students studying orchestral instruments or voice: minimum 2 units in Jazz and/or Creative Music performance classes for those students studying Jazz and Creative 2 units required (1 unit per semester). 2 units maximum (1 unit per semester)

MUS 415 Orchestration (3 units)

MUS 644 Advanced Instrumental Conducting and Literature (3 units)

1 unit of Music Elective on advisement

Vocal/Choral Music Option (28 units)

MUS 301 Advanced Class Piano (1 units)

MUS 313 Voice Major Applied Instruction (1 units)

MUS 360 Advanced Applied Music Lessons (1 units)

Major Instruction must have concurrent enrollment in MUS 371 - MUS 390 Ensemble Series

Major instruction in one instrument or voice: minimum 2 units large classical ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chorus) for students studying orchestral instruments or voice: minimum 2 units in Jazz and/or Creative Music performance classes for those students studying Jazz and Creative 2 units required (1 unit per semester). 2 units maximum (1 unit per semester)

MUS 560 Lyric Diction I (2 units)

MUS 561 Lyric Diction II (2 units)

MUS 612 The Voice (3 units)

MUS 645 Advanced Choral Conducting and Literature (3 units)

Select six units of the following:

MUS 270 Improvisation Techniques (2 units)

MUS 371-MUS 390

MUS 394 Vocal Research and Performance Seminar (2 units)

1 unit of Music Elective on advisement

Diversified Program (Keyboard/Choral) Option (25 units)

MUS 303 Keyboard Major (1 units)

Major Instruction must have concurrent enrollment in MUS 371 - MUS 390 Ensemble Series

Major instruction in one instrument or voice: minimum 2 units large classical ensemble (Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chorus) for students studying orchestral instruments or voice: minimum 2 units in Jazz and/or Creative Music performance classes for those students studying Jazz and Creative 2 units required (1 unit per semester). 2 units maximum (1 unit per semester)

MUS 382 Keyboard Harmony (1 units)

MUS 612 The Voice (3 units)

MUS 645 Advanced Choral Conducting and Literature (3 units)

MUS 313 Voice Major Applied Instruction (1 units)

Select six units from the following:

MUS 270 Improvisation Techniques (2 units)

MUS 371-MUS 390

MUS 394 Vocal Research and Performance Seminar (2 units)

1 unit of Music Elective on advisement


Given catalog rights, fall 2023 transfer students do not need to complete an Area F course.