Special Education (SPED)

SPED 230 Critical Issues in Special Education: Debunking Myths and Stereotypes (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: GE Area A2*.

Examination of myths, stereotypes, and controversies in special education and disability. Analysis of critical topics as they relate to individuals with disabilities and educational systems. Explore identity development, self-reflection, and social justice issues in the face of debunking misconceptions about special education and disability. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • E: Lifelong Learning Develop

SPED 310 Exploring Visual Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or consent of the instructor.

Examines challenges posed in daily life for people with visual impairments and their families. Explores options to promote independent living and inclusion in the community for people of all ages and diverse backgrounds. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

SPED 330 Introduction to Disability (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Ways in which society defines, fosters, and understands disabilities. Children and adults with disabilities as a minority group, and relationships between ethnicity and societal definitions of disability. [CSL may be available]

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Social Justice

SPED 370 Young Children Disabled or At Risk and Their Families (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Issues related to the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities including prenatal risk factors, family concerns, and a description of cognitive, social, motor, and language development differences.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Social Justice

SPED 601 Observation and Participation in Special Education (Units: 1-3)

Prerequisite: Admission to special education credential program.

Supervised educational and clinical practice with children and youth with disabilities in schools, hospitals, or clinics as required by field of specialization. May be repeated as required by credential. (CR/NC grading only)

SPED 620 The Science of Early Intervention (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Overview of the science behind early intervention including early brain development, environmental risk factors, and effective early intervention supports that promote family resilience. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • UD-B: Physical Life Science
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Social Justice

SPED 630 Inclusive Education: Empowerment and Equity in Diverse Schools (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Focus on critical questions about diversity in education and exploration of inclusive answers in the United States and around the world. Analysis of inequity in school systems and examination of frameworks such as Social Model of Disability, legal protections, Universal Design for Learning, capacity building, School-Wide Transformation, parent partnerships, and their application in educational contexts. (Plus-minus ABC/NC, CR/NC)

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

SPED 655 Basic Orientation and Mobility for Learners with Visual Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division or graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Development of beginning travel skills, spatial and environmental concepts and sensorimotor skills in young learners with visual impairments. Application of skills to independent travel in home, school, and community environments. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 662 Education of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Children (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor.

Overview of program options for deaf and hard of hearing children: oralism, total communication, and bilingual/bicultural communication. Historical and current issues, trends, and legislation. Purposes and services of organizations, agencies, and educational programs. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

SPED 671 Positive Behavior Support for Young Children (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or consent of the instructor.

Positive behavior approach to addressing challenging behavior of young children at home and in group settings. Practical ideas for fostering social competence, promoting positive behavior, and preventing the occurrence of undesirable behaviors. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Social Justice

SPED 672 Inclusive Learning Environments for Young Children (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Tools for effective learning environments for all young children, including developmentally appropriate strategies for addressing individualized outcomes, designing and implementing curriculum modification and accommodations inclusive environments, and adapting to culturally responsive learning opportunities. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences

SPED 675 Working with Families of Young Children with Disabilities (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Strategies for partnering with families of young children birth to five who have disabilities. Perspectives on developmental and ecological systems. Culturally responsive practice in early childhood settings that include children with special needs. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Social Justice

SPED 688 American Sign Language I (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

American Sign Language (ASL) consists of expressive and receptive skills including aspects of social behaviors rules using the language in the Deaf culture. American Sign Language is not like other spoken languages such as English; thus there is no speaking (Audism) involved. ASL possesses a compositional structure at all linguistic levels including phonology, morphology, syntax, and discourse with grammatical principles such as handshape, movement, locations, palm orientation, and non-manual markers. Includes ASL storytelling and aspects of Deaf culture.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences

SPED 689 American Sign Language II (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 688.

Additional vocabulary, grammatical information, and exposure to deaf culture. Practice in both expressive and receptive skills.

Course Attributes:

  • Social Justice

SPED 691 Autism in the Contemporary World (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or consent of the instructor.

Examination of experiences and representations of and by people on the autism spectrum in diverse social and cultural contexts. Exploration of autism through history, portrayals in popular culture, media, film, and literature, aesthetic experiences and expressive forms of imagination and creativity in play, creative arts, writing, and technology, neurodiversity, inclusion, and social justice, and cross-cultural and global perspectives. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities

SPED 701 Education Specialist Intern Teacher Support Seminar (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Seminar to support Education Specialist candidates holding Intern Credentials who have been hired by a school district, non-public school, or county office of education to teach young children and/or students with disabilities. May be repeated for up to 15 units. (CR/NC grading only)

SPED 702 Education Specialist Teacher Support Seminar for California Teaching Performance Assessment (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to educational specialist credential students; at least two advanced methods classes in a credential area (SPED 770, SPED 772, SPED 775, or SPED 778).

Early fieldwork experience and guidance through the planning, preparation, and submission of the California Teacher Performance Assessment (CalTPA) as required for acquisition of the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential. Plan and prepare each component of the performance assessment as required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Provides opportunities to work towards the completion of 200 hours of clinical observation situated in a range of educational placements. May be repeated for a total of 9 units. (CR/NC grading only)

SPED 723 Workshop: Student Teaching Support Sessions for Extensive Support Needs or Visual Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Approved Credential Approved Program (CAP); verification of eligibility by the department; concurrent enrollment in SPED 730.

Workshop sessions to support student teachers in extensive support needs and visual impairment credential programs. Review planning, guiding, and evaluating experiences during student teaching experience. Includes development of a preliminary induction plan. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 726 Workshop: Student Teaching Support Sessions for Mild/Moderate Support Needs or Orientation Mobility (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Approved Credential Approved Program (CAP); verification of eligibility by the department; concurrent enrollment in SPED 730.

Workshop sessions to support student teachers in Mild to Moderate Support Needs or Orientation and Mobility programs. Review planning, guiding, and evaluating experiences during student teaching experience. Includes development of a preliminary induction plan. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 729 Student Teaching Workshop: Early Childhood Special Education (Unit: 1)

Prerequisites: Permission of the program or instructor; must be taken concurrently with SPED 730 or SPED 731.

Reviews planning, guiding, and evaluating experiences of students eligible for early childhood special education services. Development of a preliminary induction plan. May be repeated for a total of 2 units. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 730 Student Teaching: Special Education (Units: 9)

Prerequisites: Completion of advanced curriculum or permission of the adviser; concurrent enrollment in SPED 723 or SPED 726 or SPED 729 in the credential area. Must have met subject matter competency and basic skills requirement and admission in the Special Education credential program.

Student teaching field experience in special education or rehabilitation setting as required by credential. May be repeated for a total of 18 units if required for the credential. (CR/NC grading only)
Students who receive a grade of NC twice will be subject to declassification from the credential program.

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 731 Special Education Field Experience (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Completion of advanced curriculum or permission of an adviser; must have met basic skills and subject matter competency requirement and admitted into the Special Education credential program. Concurrent enrollment in SPED 723, SPED 726, or SPED 729 in the credential area may be required.

Student teaching field experience in special education or rehabilitation setting as required by the credential program. May be repeated for a total of 6 units if required for the credential. (CR/NC grading only)
Students who receive a grade of NC twice will be subject to declassification from the credential program.

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 735 Technology for Blind and Low Vision Students (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 749 or permission of the instructor.

Access technology and computer integration for individuals with visual impairments. Overview of tools for low or nonvisual access to information including devices for reading, writing, and data management tasks. Specialized and mainstream technologies include those for magnification, braille, voice output, scientific notation, and tactile graphics. Distance/online format not available. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 737 Inclusive Learning and Supports in Early Intervention (Infants & Toddlers) (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Inclusive learning and supporting in early intervention for infants and toddlers (birth to age 3) and their families. (Plus-minus letter grade)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 738 Inclusive Curriculum Development and Supports in Early Childhood Settings (Preschool - Kindergarten) (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Inclusive curriculum development and supports in early childhood settings (Preschool - Kindergarten) for all young children including those with disabilities. Key concepts include Universal Design for Learning to support high quality, inclusive early childhood education program; curriculum modifications and adaptations; embedded learning opportunities based on strengths and support needs; integrating Individual Education Plan goals within education programs, and; interdisciplinary collaboration. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 743 Issues in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Physical implications for speech/language development and disorders, aided/unaided communication strategies, assessment and intervention using interdisciplinary strategies for children and adults. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 745 Environmental Design for Students with Extensive Support Needs (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in SPED 773 and SPED 701.

Focus on inclusive and integrated service delivery including historical and philosophical bases, advocacy roles, and collaborative teaming skills necessary to the development and delivery of curriculum for students with extensive support needs. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 746 Teaching Individuals with Physical and Other Health Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 747 or permission of the instructor.

Advanced methods: disabilities assessment, instruction; organization and curriculum design; communication intervention literacy; assistive technology; and collaboration with parents, aides, and other professionals. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 747 Physical Disabilities and Sensory Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or Education Specialist Credential students or SF Scholar students or permission of the instructor.

Medical nature of common physical, sensory, and health impairments. Physical management of students with health needs, specialized instruction techniques, and handling medical emergencies. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 749 Medical, Educational, and Rehabilitative Implications of Visual Impairment (Units: 4)

Prerequisite: SPED 655 or SPED 758 or permission of the instructor.

Anatomy, physiology and disorders of the eye, and the functional/educational implications of vision loss. Assessment of low vision, use of prescriptive and non-prescriptive low vision aids to optimize the use of vision. Application to individualized program planning and implementation. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 750 Assessment for Learners with Visual Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 749 or consent of the instructor.

Formal and informal assessment tools and strategies to determine the unique educational needs and appropriate learning media for individuals with visual impairments. Use of data to justify recommendations for instructional materials including print, braille, and auditory formats. Evaluation of learning environments and alternative forms of service delivery. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 751 Instruction for Learners with Visual Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 749 or consent of the instructor.

Selection, adaptation, and delivery of regular education curriculum for learners with visual impairments. Design of accessible instructional materials and learning environments. Implementation of digital workflows to facilitate students' engagement with their learning. Achievement of skills within academic and expanded core curricula. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 752 Issues in Visual Impairment (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 749 or consent of the instructor.

Psychosocial and vocational implications of visual impairment. Implications of visual impairment on digital multimedia accessibility and strategies for advocacy. Intersection of local, state, and national legislation on issues of practice. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 753 Living Skills Assessment and Instruction for Learners with Visual Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 749 or Special Education SF State Scholars students or permission of the instructor.

Methods and instructional strategies for teaching specialized functional skills to individuals with visual impairments. Design and implement functional and age-appropriate programs for learners of different cognitive abilities. Assessment and instruction of the expanded core curriculum. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 754 Basic Communication Skills for Learners with Visual Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 749 or consent of the instructor.

Mastery of literary braille. Assessment and instruction of braille reading and writing. Equipment and methods of producing braille materials. Use of low and high tech tools to access text and literary media, including slate and stylus and refreshable braille devices. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 756 Orientation and Mobility Seminar (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in SPED 822 and SPED 823 or permission of the instructor.

Issues and trends, and learning theories as they relate to Orientation and Mobility (O&M) instruction. O&M instruction for special populations. Service delivery systems, technology, psychosocial aspects of O&M and resources for establishment, administration, and provision of orientation and mobility programs. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 757 Visual Impairment: Special Populations (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 749 or consent of the instructor.

Impact of visual impairment on growth and development of learners age 0 to 22 years. Transdisciplinary approach to serving learners with multiple disabilities, including intervention strategies for blind or low vision students with autism, neurological-based eye conditions, and deafblindness. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 758 Advanced Communication Skills for Learners with Visual Impairments (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 754 or consent of the instructor.

Advanced formats of Braille codes including literary, mathematical, computer, foreign language, and music. Use of low and high tech tools and strategies for tactile graphics creation and accessing STEAM content. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 760 Methods in Orientation and Mobility I (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: SPED 655 (may be taken concurrently); concurrent enrollment in SPED 792.

Use of the long cane. Orientation and mobility in indoor and simple residential outdoor environments. Application of concepts to travel in home, school, and community environments. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 763 Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Special Education or School Psychology or credential students or permission of the Department Chair.

Strategies to facilitate the transition from early childhood educational and related services, to services provided in K-12 schools, and to facilitate self-determined careers, post-secondary education, and community living for secondary-aged students with disabilities. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 770 Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Support Needs (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Special Education and credential students or permission of the instructor.

Foundations in educating learners with mild to moderate support needs. Includes definitions, diagnosis, etiology, and characteristics of diverse populations with learning, linguistic, developmental, social, and emotional needs. Explore the history and current issues, trends, and practices in policy and service delivery. Universal design for learning, inclusive, and culturally responsive practices, and multi-tiered systems of support. Individualized education program (IEP) development, interdisciplinary collaboration, and family/community partnerships. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 772 Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction for Students with Mild/Moderate Support Needs (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Special Education or School Psychology or credential students or permission of the Department Chair.

Principles, procedures, and experiential learning activities related to the assessment of students with mild to moderate support needs. Includes statistical and psychometric concepts in assessment. Addresses norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, curriculum-based, and informal assessment for instructional and placement decisions, instructional planning, and progress monitoring. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 773 Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Students with Extensive Support Needs (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Concurrently enrollment in SPED 745 and SPED 701.

Methods of assessment, curriculum, and instruction for students with extensive support needs including ecological assessments, standards' based academic curricula, systematic instruction, and methods for evaluating student progress. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 774 Positive Behavior Support (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor.

Understanding and interpreting behavior; ecological perspectives. Proactive strategies to prevent occurrence and escalation of problem behaviors, evaluation of behavior problems, and implementation of interventions in the least restrictive environment. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 775 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Special Education (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate-level or credential students.

Applies research on instructional approaches in elementary curriculum for individuals with mild to moderate disabilities accessing general education curriculum. Includes curriculum and instructional strategies across core content areas, with an emphasis on emergent literacy skills (e.g., phonemic awareness, vocabulary development, and comprehension). A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 777 Introduction to Disability, Development, and Equity for Young Children and Their Families (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Introduction to disability, early development, and equity for young children (birth to kindergarten) and their families. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 778 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Special Education (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: SPED 770 and SPED 772.

Applies research on instructional approaches at the secondary level for individuals with mild to moderate disabilities accessing the general education curriculum. Includes curricular issues, models, and practices related to teaching in content areas, with an emphasis on core curriculum, evidence-based instructional strategies, and literacy. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 779 Family-Centered Practices and Services for Young Children with Disabilities (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Understanding and implementing family-centered practices and services for young children with disabilities. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 780 Equitable Assessment Practices for Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Understand and implement equitable assessment practices for young children with disabilities and their families. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 787 Advanced Assessment and Instruction for Students with Extensive Support Needs (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: SPED 745, SPED 773, and SPED 701; concurrent enrollment in SPED 789 and SPED 821.

Assessment, curriculum, and instructional design for students with extensive support needs with special emphasis on students who experience sensory and/or physical disabilities. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 788 Law, Ethics, and Instructional Planning (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Special Education or School Psychology or credential students or permission of the Department Chair.

Legal foundations and requirements providing public education services to students with disabilities. Policy development, advocacy programs, IEPs, family support plans, technology and universal design, intervention and post-secondary transition. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 789 Advanced Environmental Design for Students with Extensive Support Needs (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: SPED 745, SPED 773, and SPED 701; concurrent enrollment in SPED 787 and SPED 821.

Development of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems for students with extensive support needs and interventions to promote effective communicative interactions. Development and implementation of positive behavior intervention and support plans for students who present challenging behaviors. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 791 Nature of the Autism Spectrum (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Special Education credential or MA program or consent of the instructor.

Foundations for supporting diverse learners on the autism spectrum from cross-disciplinary perspectives; historical underpinnings; definitions; etiology; characteristics; profiles of learning, development and sociocultural experience; current and emerging practices; identity and influences of neurodiversity movement. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 792 Methods in Orientation and Mobility II (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: SPED 655 (may be taken concurrently); concurrent enrollment in SPED 760.

Age-related changes in orientation and mobility needs. Overview of assessment and individualized instructional methods. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 794 Socialization and Imagination: Autism (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: SPED 791 or consent of the instructor.

Inclusive practices to enhance peer socialization, play and imagination of learners on the autism spectrum; demystifying autism; environmental design; sociocultural, developmental, social-cognitive, behavioral methods; infusing special interests and creative expression in education, recreation, vocations. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 801 Development, Diversity, and English Language Learners: Special Education (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Special Education or School Psychology or credential students or permission of the Department Chair.

Typical and atypical language/literacy acquisition of culturally and linguistically diverse children and adolescents, and influence of various language-based disabilities on the evaluation and development of communicative competence in second language and bilingual students. Addresses CCTC Standards for preparing to teach English language learners with disabilities. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 821 Advanced Fieldwork with Students with Extensive Support Needs (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in SPED 787 and SPED 789.

Supervised fieldwork to promote and support the application of knowledge and skills gained in core methods courses. Sites with educational programs for students with extensive support needs. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. (CR/NC grading only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 822 Methods in Orientation and Mobility III (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: SPED 655, SPED 760, SPED 792; concurrent enrollment in SPED 823.

Principles of orientation and mobility in simple to complex environments; theories and issues related to architectural design for safety and environmental analysis, traffic systems and transportation systems. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 823 Methods in Orientation and Mobility IV (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: SPED 655, SPED 760, SPED 792; concurrent enrollment in SPED 822.

Principles of mobility in simple to complex areas. Diverse mobility systems and functions, and indications for their use in varying travel environments and by learners of diverse ages and travel needs. A grade of B- or better is required. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 825 Communication, Behavior and Instructional Supports: Autism (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Admission to Special Education credential or MA program or consent of the instructor.

Design and delivery of evidence-based practices to address communication, behavior and instructional needs of learners on the autism spectrum; data-based assessment and intervention; environmental supports; communication/AAC systems; structured teaching; behavioral, cognitive, developmental, sensory-based approaches. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 831 Internship in Special Education (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of the graduate adviser.

Practicum in clinics, rehabilitation centers, and schools under supervision of specialists in fields of special education or rehabilitation. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. (CR/NC only)

SPED 833 Educational Services for Learners with Deaf-Blindness (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate admission to Moderate-Severe Disabilities Program.

Focuses on the unique needs of learners who are deaf-blind and the best practices for providing appropriate educational services for this population of students. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

SPED 881 Advanced Research Seminar in Special Education (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Advanced standing in Master of Arts in Special Education program; ISED 797.

Development of skills in: writing research questions, identifying appropriate research approaches, doing interviews, doing observations, conducting surveys, transcribing, data analysis methods, writing in research. Insight into: a research continuum, and different qualitative research approaches, their theoretical grounding and basic research concepts. Design a coherent and feasible proposal for a Master's thesis or an Action Research Project. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

SPED 885 Allyship, Leadership, and Collaboration for Young Children with Disabilities (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Developing as a professional educator through allyship, leadership, and collaboration for young children with disabilities. Letter grade only. Requires B- or higher. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • Teacher Credential Program Crs

SPED 894 Creative Work Project in Special Education (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Consent of the graduate major advisor; approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies.

Design, development, and production of instructional product in degree emphasis. Work may include curriculum or training materials in educational or related setting for professionals, students, and families. A final product and written report required. ATC and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by Graduate Studies before enrollment. (CR/NC, RP grading only)

SPED 895 Field Study: Special Education (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Approval of the graduate major advisor, and approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies. ATC and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration. (CR/NC; RP only)

SPED 896EXM Culminating Experience Examination (Units: 0-3)

Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor, committee chair, and approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies. ATC and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.

Enrollment in 896EXAM required for students whose culminating experience consists of an examination only. Not for students enrolled in a culminating experience course numbered SPED 894, SPED 895, SPED 898, or SPED 998. (CR/NC, RP)

SPED 898 Master's Thesis (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Approval of graduate major advisor, and approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies. ATC and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration. (CR/NC only.)

SPED 899 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor.

An intensive study of a particular problem in education under direction of a member of the department. Enrollment by petition approved by the instructor, adviser, and department chair. Open only to regularly enrolled students. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

SPED 903 Research Seminar in Special Education: Program Design and Analysis (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to Joint Doctoral Special Education students.

Making of inferences between independent and dependent variables in research with disabled persons. Analyze and design experimental research; internal and external validity. Exposure to different designs with the purpose of selection of appropriate design to match specific research questions. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

SPED 905 University-Level Teaching & Field Supervision Internship (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to Joint Doctoral Special Education students.

Mentored support and guidance for doctoral students in teaching university-level courses as well as supervising practica, internships, and student teaching for upper-division and post-Baccalaureate students. Preparation for positions as faculty, research scientists, and post-doctoral fellows at universities or research centers. Emphasis on preparing for faculty teaching positions and university-based research. (CR/NC grading only)

SPED 907 Critical Investigations of the Construction of Normalcy and Disability (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Critical investigation of the construction of normalcy and disability, and it implications to systems of special education services. (Plus-minus letter grade only)
(This course is offered as SPED 907 and EDDL 922. Students may not repeat the course under an alternate prefix.)

SPED 908 Directed Study in Special Education Topics (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Admission to joint doctoral program in Special Education.

Provides the opportunity to explore a special topic or problem either as an individual or with a group with special interests. May be repeated for a total of 24 units. (CR/NC only)

SPED 909 Current Issues Special Education Policy and Practice (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to Joint Doctoral Special Education students.

Joint doctoral program core seminar on contemporary policy issues, practice and research in special education. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

SPED 910 Advanced Topics in Special Education Research (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to Joint Doctoral Special Education students.

Professional research and service activities, experience expected for post-doctoral professionals. All activities completed under the direction and supervision of a joint doctoral faculty member. Students will select topics and activities that are appropriate to their career goals and areas of specialization upon advisement with their university mentors. Students will register for SPED 910 when engaged in Mentored Research Networks and for their Professional/Community Service Internship. May be repeated for a total of 24 units. (CR/NC grading only)

SPED 998 Doctoral Dissertation in Special Education (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to Joint Doctoral Special Education students and advancement to candidacy.

Independent research leading to the completion of the doctoral dissertation. May be repeated for a total of 9 units. (CR/NC only)