Asian American Studies (AA S)

AA S 101 First-Year Experience (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to first-year freshmen.

Preparation for Asian American Studies courses and future careers. Provides a framework of social justice, equity, and culturally relevant and responsive practices to address issues facing the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. Engage in life skills that will help students retain and engage them in school and their lives.

Course Attributes:

  • A1: Oral Communication
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 102 Identity, Equity, and Student Success (Units: 3)

Exploration of racial/cultural identity, equity, and student success. Topics include an overview of academic success skills, racial/cultural identity development, social justice, equity, personal and community responsibility, educational strategies and planning, interpersonal communication, career development, health issues, and self-assessment strategies. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

AA S 106 Asian American Activism (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: GE Area A2*.

Introduction to the discipline of Asian American studies and the practice of interdisciplinary, social-justice based inquiry and research. Focus on the human behavior of Asian American leadership, visionary activism, activist movements, and activist-related knowledge paradigms. Emphasis on rhetorical strategies of communication for self-reflection, self-determination, and community empowerment, and for the development of social relationships.

Course Attributes:

  • E: Lifelong Learning Develop

AA S 108 Asian American Artistic Explorations: Creativity, Identity, and Community (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: GE Area A2*.

Examine Asian American artistic explorations as self-expression, a reflection of community, and a tool for organizing. Study how artists utilize creative work for the exploration, recording, understanding, and expression of Asian American life. Investigate the importance of visual literacy in enacting social justice and empowerment in the Asian American community. Explore how Asian American artists employ autobiography and self-portraiture to analyze and express concerns such as well-being, identity formation, social justice, and community activism. Analyze works by Asian American creators in relation to the Asian American community. Writing and creative assignments. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

Course Attributes:

  • E: Lifelong Learning Develop

AA S 110 Critical Thinking and the Asian American Experience (Units: 3)

Development of basic critical thinking skills involved in understanding, criticizing, and constructing arguments reflective of the experience of Asian Americans and key themes in Asian American Studies.

Course Attributes:

  • A3: Critical Thinking
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 115 Quantitative Analysis in Asian American Studies (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Category I or II placement for QR/Math or satisfactory completion of ELM requirement, or MATH 70 or ESM 70 with a grade of C or better. Category III or IV placement for QR/Math or students who have not passed MATH 70 or ESM 70 with a C or better must be concurrently enrolled in MATH 122.

Explore how statistical analysis plays in the formation of policies and programs related to equity and Asian Americans. Introduction to basic statistical concepts including central tendency, measures of variability, normal distribution, sampling, estimation, testing hypothesis, chi-square, analysis of variance, and regression. Focus on online survey collection tools, statistical and graphical software programs, and digital e-portfolios.
(Note: For this course to satisfy General Education, students must earn a grade of C- or CR or better.)

AA S 210 History of Asians in the United States (Units: 3)

Comparative analysis of the experience of different Asian American groups and their place in the general history and development of American society.

Course Attributes:

  • U.S. History
  • D2: Social Sciences: US Hist.
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 211 Contemporary Asian Americans (Units: 3)

Examination of factors that define minority groups and their positions in contemporary U.S. society, using Asian Americans as a case study.

Course Attributes:

  • D1: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 212 Asian Americans and Mass Media (Units: 3)

Images and treatment of Asian Americans in mass media, especially motion pictures, television, advertising, popular literature, and commercial art. American minorities in the entertainment industry.

Course Attributes:

  • C1: Arts
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 213 Asian Americans and American Ideals and Institutions (Units: 3)

The Asian American experience in the U.S. focusing on basic governmental ideals and institutions. Impact of Asians on legal-constitutional America and the countervailing impact of political-legal structures imposed on Asians.

Course Attributes:

  • U.S. Govt CA State Local Govt
  • D3: Social Sciences: US CA Gov
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 214 Second Year Written Composition: Asian American Studies (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: ENG 114 or equivalent with a grade of CR or C- or better. Must be taken after completing 24 units and before completing 60 units.

Reading and writing with speech as a supportive language skill. (Plus/minus ABC/NC, CR/NC allowed)

Course Attributes:

  • A4: Written English Comm II
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 216 Introduction to Asian American Literature (Units: 3)

Reading and analysis of Asian American literature. Appreciation of literature from a literary standpoint with a focus on history, identity, and representation.

Course Attributes:

  • C2: Humanities
  • C3 or C2: Humanities/Lit.
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 218 Asian American Culture (Units: 3)

Ethnic values and cultures in America using Asian American arts, languages, and literatures. How these works reflect and express the character of the Asian American experience and the forces that have shaped that experience.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • C2: Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 301 Asian Americans of Mixed Heritages (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Issues concerning Asian Americans of mixed racial and ethnic heritages focusing on mixed heritage identities in relation to their ethnic and cultural sensibilities.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 313 Asian American Futurism: Music, Art, Technology, Culture, and Identity (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor.

Explore the foundations of Asian American Futurism. Gain insight into the diverse roots of Asian American futurism in relation to other BIPOC futurisms to examine how they intersect and mutually influence one another, leading to the liberation of cultural narratives of Asian American and other BIPOC communities.

AA S 320 Chinese in the United States (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

The Chinese American experience in critical historical perspective from the beginning of immigration in the 19th century to the present.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 322 Chinese American Language and Literature (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

The cultural identity of the Chinese American as expressed in the language and literature. The Chinese community and its influence on the creative process in literature.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 323 Chinese American Identities (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Historical, institutional, and cultural sources of Chinese American identity and sensibility. Mental health issues related to self-perception, stereotypes, family problems, institutional racism, and the development of autonomy. [CSL may be available]

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 330 Nikkei in the United States (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

The historical experience of Japanese Americans in the United States: prewar immigration and settlement, the struggle against racial exclusion, World War II incarceration, and the postwar return and development of contemporary Nikkei community. Includes mixed race, war brides, Okinawan American, Yonsei and Gosei, LGBTQIA, and other populations not usually included in dominant Japanese American narratives.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 332 Japanese American Art and Literature (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Examination of Japanese American art and literature through the historical, social, and cultural factors that influenced its development. Specific works and artists representing different genres and periods will be analyzed.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 333 Japanese American Identities (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Japanese American character, identity, self-image, and behavioral manifestations of the interaction of American and Japanese cultural values.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 338 Okinawan American Heritage and Culture (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor.

Analyzes the identity formation and cultural preservation of Okinawans in the U.S. and other parts of the Americas. Theoretical frameworks such as racial formation theory and world systems theory will be explored and developed to understand the complex evolution of the Okinawan diaspora within the dual imperial contexts of American and Japanese empires. [Formerly AA S 337]

Course Attributes:

  • GE-F: Ethnic Studies

AA S 350 Filipina/os in the United States (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Immigration of the Filipina/os to the United States, coping mechanisms used in response to adjustment problems, and the changing structure of the community.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 352 Filipina/o American Literature, Art, and Culture (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Critical perspectives on Filipina/o American culture through the examination of diverse genres of art and literature primarily written in English about Filipina/os in the United States, the Philippines, and the diaspora.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 353 Filipina/o American Identities (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

The historical, social, and cultural influences that impact the identities of Filipina/o Americans through a framework of decolonization.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 360 Koreans in the United States (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Korean Americans in the U.S., examining the historical experience and the sociological, political, and economic implications of being a minority and immigrant in the U.S.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 370 Vietnamese in the United States (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Origins and causes of Vietnamese movements to the U.S. and nature of Vietnamese experience in America in terms of political, cultural, and economic factors.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 372 Vietnamese American Literature (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

A critical survey of Vietnamese American literature, taking into account issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, and trauma.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 373 Vietnamese American Identities (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Vietnamese American experience since 1975: psychological adaptation, educational adjustment, socioeconomic integration, and cultural/ethnic maintenance.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 380 Cambodians in the United States (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Examine the push-pull factors that led people to flee Cambodia. Focus on the constraints and strategies (institutional, artistic, community, and cultural) deployed by Cambodian Americans to negotiate their status in the US: politically, culturally, economically, and socially. [Formerly AA S 377]

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 396 Empire in the Pacific: Asian Americans, Indigeneity, and Resistance (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; GE Areas A1, A2, A3, and B4; or consent of the instructor.

Examine the local and global histories of empire in Oceania and the longstanding and ongoing decolonization movements. Engage in the local and global histories of colonialism and resistance, diaspora and migration, and empire and sovereignty in the Pacific. Special attention is given to Hawai'i's role as a U.S. colony. Class discussions, film screenings, readings, and student presentations constitute the interpretive lens for this course.

AA S 510 Asian Americans in California (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Asian American contributions to the building of the state from their first arrival in the 19th century to their role within California's multiracial racial formation and their growing influence on contemporary California.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Social Justice

AA S 512 Asian American Children's/Adolescent Literature (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Literary works with Asian American themes written for youth (preschool to middle school). How Asian Americans are depicted from the 19th century to the present. [CSL may be available]

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 516 Asian American Photographic Explorations (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Photography as a personal tool for the exploration, recording, understanding, and expression of Asian American life.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 520 Asian American Musical Communities (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.

Review of the Asian American musical experience including the cultural sources that have informed artists' projects and the history that has shaped collective arts organization and activism among Asian Americans.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 522 Asian Americans and the Transracial Adoptee Experience (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.

Examination of Asian American transracial transnational adoption from historical, cultural, and sociopolitical perspectives. Addresses ways in which transracial adoptions challenges notions of culture, race, gender, sexuality, and nation.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 540 South Asians in the United States (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

History of South Asian immigration to the U.S. and how South Asian Americans negotiate ethnic belonging and national citizenship. Topics include racialization, class divides, gender, inequalities, queer politics, and youth culture.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 541 South Asian Diaspora (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Uses transnational and comparative frameworks to examine South Asian immigration to various countries. How colonialism, nationalism, and the politics of race, gender, class, and sexuality shape diasporic identities and communities. [CSL may be available]
(This course is offered as RRS 657 and AA S 541. Students may not repeat the course under an alternate prefix.)

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 570 Southeast Asians in the United States (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

A comparative exploration of Southeast Asian Americans by examining the histories and experiences of Burmese, Cambodian, Filipina/o, Hmong, Indonesian, Lao, Mien, Mong, Vietnamese, and Thai Americans.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 582 Asian American Women's Literature and the Arts (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Works by Asian American women writers and artists. How Asian American women are depicted in literature and the arts.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 584 Asian American Sexualities (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Introduction to Asian American queer theory and sexuality studies. Examination of how sexuality impacts the lived experience of immigration, race, gender, class, and generational difference among Asian Americans.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 585 Asian American Religiosities (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Major issues particular to the predicaments of Asian Americans and their religions. Interdisciplinary and anchored in critical Asian American Studies perspectives constructed within the context of the intersections of race and religion.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

AA S 587 Asian Americans and Environmental Justice (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Examination of the environmental racism issues faced by Asian Americans and how their communities have organized for justice.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Social Justice

AA S 588 Asian American Media Workshop (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Film and media arts as self-expression, a reflection of community, and a tool for activism in the Asian American community.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities

AA S 591 Asian American Community Health Issues (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Examination of community health concepts and needs specific to the Asian American communities including practical skills in community health issues and service.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • UD-B: Physical Life Science
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 593 Asian Americans in Education (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor.

Exploration of the historical and contemporary narratives and counter-narratives of Asian Americans in education, development of Asian American Studies, pedagogical issues and interventions that have shaped their identities and communities, and the duality of education as a tool for oppression and as a means toward liberation. (Plus-minus ABC/NC, CR/NC)

Course Attributes:

  • GE-F: Ethnic Studies

AA S 595 Asian American Communities and Public Policy (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Public policy issues and their impact on and the responses from the Asian American communities. The relationship and complexities of local, state, and federal policies facing the Asian American communities. [CSL may be available]

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 597 Asian Transnational Communities: Variable Topics (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor.

Examine the social, economic, political, and cultural realities of place and their relationship with the formation of transnational Asian communities. Explore the impact of historic and contemporary Asian migration. Topics to be specified in the Class Schedule. May be repeated for a total of 6 units when topics vary.

Course Attributes:

  • GE-F: Ethnic Studies


  1. Korea
  2. China
  3. Japan

AA S 681 Asian American Community Changes and Development (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Asian American Studies majors and minors; upper-division standing; 6 units of AA S GE courses; or permission of the instructor.

Exploration of the sources, patterns, and processes of Asian American community change. Sixty hours of community internship are required. [CSL may be available]

Course Attributes:

  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

AA S 685 Projects in the Teaching of Asian American Studies (Units: 1-4)

Prerequisites: Undergraduate students only; upper-division standing; 3.3 GPA in AA S courses; permission of the instructor.

Academic service learning practicum/internship experience as an undergraduate instructional aide. Participation in the teaching of a regular instructionally-related class. (Students may earn a maximum of 4 units toward the baccalaureate degree for any course(s) numbered 685 regardless of discipline.)

AA S 688 Asian American Community Service Internship (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; permission of the instructor.

Supervised fieldwork/service for 100 hours minimum in an approved Asian American organization or agency, plus regular meetings with supervising faculty. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. (CR/NC grading only) [CSL may be available]

AA S 696 Critical Approaches to Asian American Studies (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Asian American Studies majors; 24 upper-division units in AA S courses; or permission of the instructor.

Study of fundamental tools of critical thinking and theorization through the lens of Asian American Studies. Focus on reading, thinking, and writing critically by exposing topics and theories of Asian and Ethnic Studies. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

AA S 697 Proseminar in Asian American Studies (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Asian American Studies majors; senior standing; AA S 696*; or permission of the instructor.

Practical application of research methodology in Asian American Studies through critical examination, analysis, and peer critique to develop a publishable product. [CSL may be available]

AA S 699 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; 3.0 GPA; permission of the instructor and department chair.

Supervised individual study of a particular issue in Asian American Studies. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

AA S 710 Critical Approaches to Asian American Studies (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Asian American Studies students or permission of the instructor.

Critical understanding of theory and research methodologies in Asian American Studies. Review of available resources in preparation for graduate-level research. Guidance on the literature review and bibliography in the student's chosen area.

AA S 800 Theory and History in Asian American Studies (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Integration of historical review with contemporary theory relating to Asian Americans.

AA S 810 Seminar: Asian American Immigration (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Asian American Studies students or permission of the instructor.

Theoretical and methodological understanding of Asian immigration to the U.S. and Asian Americans within structures of American immigration history.

AA S 822 Seminar: Asian American Literature and Arts (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate Asian American Studies students or permission of the instructor.

Intersections of history, gender, culture, and creativity as they pertain to the conception of an Asian American literary aesthetic. Placing Asian American literature within the genre of U.S. literature.

AA S 833 Seminar: Asian American Family and Identity (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Asian American Studies students or permission of the instructor.

Issues concerning Asian Americans in family and group structures.

AA S 865 Asian American Community and Public Policy (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Asian American Studies students or permission of the instructor.

Assessment and critique of policy issues and their impact on, and the responses from, the Asian American community. Relationship and complexities of local, state, and federal policies facing the contemporary Asian American community.

AA S 875 Asian American Community Health Issues (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate Asian American Studies and Healthcare Administration Certificate students or permission of the instructor.

Major health issues and their impact on, and the responses from, the Asian American community. Health perspectives and practices affected by the cultural dichotomy between Asia and Euro-America. (AB/NC grading only)

AA S 884 Critical Asian American Educational Experience and Pedagogy (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

Historical narratives and counter-narratives of Asian Americans and education, the development of Asian American Studies, and pedagogical issues and interventions that have shaped Asian American identities and communities. (Plus-minus AB/NC grading only; RP allowed)

AA S 894 Creative Work Project (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and department chair; approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies before registration.

An original creative work. Projects must be described in a written document that summarizes the project's relation to other work in the area, its rationale, its significance, and its creative methodologies. ATC and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration. (CR/NC grading only)

AA S 895 Field Study in Asian American Studies (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor; approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies before graduation.

An alternate culminating study in fulfillment of the requirement for the master's degree. Students develop a project under the advisement and direction of a graduate adviser. (CR/NC grading only)

AA S 896 Directed Reading in Asian American Studies (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and graduate adviser.

Directed reading in a specific area of Asian American studies based upon a standing bibliography or reading list developed in consultation and under the supervision of a specialist in that field. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

AA S 898 Master's Thesis (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor; approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies before registration.

(CR/NC grading only)

AA S 899 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and graduate adviser.

Plan, develop, and complete a project under the direction of a supervising faculty member who is a specialist in that field. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.