Recreation, Parks, and Tourism (RPT)

RPT 110 Critical Thinking and the Leisure Experience (Units: 3)

Introduction to basic concepts and principles of critical thinking. Subject matter includes identifying, differentiating, constructing, and evaluating arguments; recognizing fallacies; and applying formal and informal reasoning to the leisure experience.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019

RPT 161 Lake and Sea Kayaking (Unit: 1)

Prerequisite: Must be able to swim 25 yards.

Understanding basic theory, strokes, safety practices and skills development in lake and sea kayaking. Topics include strokes, boat handling, hazards, capsize recovery, trip planning and wildlife observation. May be repeated for 3 units for degree credit. Extra course fee may be required. (CR/NC only)

RPT 163 Beginning Rock Climbing (Unit: 1)

Introduction to rock climbing and belay in both indoor and outdoor settings. Topics include knot tying, rope handling, hazards, equipment use and care, climbing techniques, anchor building, leave-no-trace climbing. Extra course fee may be required. (CR/NC only)

RPT 165 Nature Sampler Field Study and Service (Unit: 1)

Immerse yourself and help nature, parks, and natural areas. Choose from a variety of volunteer projects and dates, gain hands-on experience, and learn from agency professionals. Reflect on your experiences. Activity. (CR/NC grading only) [CSL may be available] [Service hours may be used to satisfy pre-internship or degree experience requirements. Consult your department advisor.]

RPT 200 Foundations of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism (Units: 3)

Recreation, parks, and tourism as a discipline and profession; introduction to concepts, philosophy, history, and science; nature and scope of careers in for-profit, nonprofit, and public sectors; examination of issues and trends, and their implications to leisure systems and processes.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • D1: Social Sciences

RPT 205 Adventure Travel (Units: 3)

Culturally sensitive, low impact travel and tourism by individuals that engages travelers, protects the global environment and benefits local communities. Assessment of the adverse/beneficial impacts of travel. Development of trip plan incorporating adventure travel principles and sustainable tourism goals.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • D1: Social Sciences

RPT 210 Growth Through Art and Leisure (Units: 3)

Arts and crafts skills for recreational and clinical and therapeutic purposes. The development of creativity and self-expression in community programs, resources for materials, leadership skills, and equipment use and maintenance are covered. Extra fee required.

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • C1: Arts

RPT 230 Growth Through Adventure (Units: 3)

Development of values and an understanding of self through outdoor adventure activities. Examination of the influences of culture, history, fears, and myths on outdoor adventure activities. Introduction to selected outdoor skills. Survey of selected outdoor adventure activities in the Bay Area and Northern California.

Course Attributes:

  • C2: Humanities
  • C3 or C2: Humanities/Lit.

RPT 280 Developmental Play Processes (Units: 3)

Concepts, trends, and issues related to play, recreation, and leisure including learning and human development throughout the lifespan, gender and cultural differences, materials and environments, benefits and barriers, engineering and facilitating play experiences, and activity adaptation. [Formerly RTP 380]

Course Attributes:

  • E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
  • D1: Social Sciences

RPT 300 Leadership in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: RPT 200 (may be taken concurrently).

Leadership theory, self-assessment, intrapersonal and interpersonal communication, and group dynamics in recreation, parks, and tourism settings. Develop leadership competencies in cultural sensitivity, planning, safety/risk management, and problem-solving through experiential learning, influence of power and ethics on decision-making.

RPT 325 Information Technology in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: RPT 200 (may be taken concurrently).

Knowledge and skill development in information technology and literacy; introduction to APA writing style, research, data collection, analysis, and reporting; and application of word processing, presentation, spreadsheet, and specialized software used in the recreation, parks, and tourism profession.

RPT 340 Conference, Event Planning, and Management (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing; RPT 200 (may be taken concurrently); or permission of the instructor.

Organizing, planning, and managing conferences, conventions, and special events: site and faculty selection, scheduling, programming and theme development, exhibit management, registration, and overall meeting services.

RPT 350 Facilitating Wellness Through Leisure (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: RPT 200 (may be taken concurrently).

Examination of concepts, processes, and applications related to leisure and wellness. Origin, development, and expression of leisure in individual behavior and its relationship to facilitating wellness. [CSL may be available]

RPT 358 Campus Recreation (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor.

Introduction to campus recreation with a focus on student development, leadership, and the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association's (NIRSA) core competencies (programming; facility design; human resources; legal, liability, and risk management; research and evaluation; strategic, fiscal, and operational management; philosophy and theory).

RPT 390 Leisure Travel and Tourism (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; RPT 200 (may be taken concurrently); or permission of the instructor.

Investigate scope and nature of the tourism industry including key system components; history; group travel planning, budgeting, and marketing techniques and processes used by tourism professionals; careers; current trends; and future challenges and opportunities.

Course Attributes:

  • Global Perspectives

RPT 400 Programming Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Experiences (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; RPT 200, RPT 325; concurrent enrollment in RPT 500 recommended.

Participate in, volunteer for, and facilitate a leisure experience. Learn the who, what, when, where, how, and why of a recreation, parks, and/or tourism experience, and generate a needs assessment, asset map, budget, marketing strategy, risk management procedure, and other planning, implementation, and evaluation components of

RPT 410 Therapeutic and Inclusive Recreation (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; RPT 200 (may be taken concurrently); or permission of the instructor.

Universal access, design, and inclusion in a diverse range of recreation, parks, and tourism settings. Disabling conditions and implications for leadership, activity adaptation, and programming. Enabling legislation, regulatory agents, and practices relevant to inclusivity and human rights. [CSL may be available]

Course Attributes:

  • Social Justice

RPT 440 Urban Recreation and Parks (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better; RPT 200* (may be taken concurrently); or permission of the instructor.

Urban recreation needs, issues, services; socio-political, ethnographic, and demographic influences on recreation, parks, and human service organizations for youth and other populations across the lifespan. Understanding philosophical, historical, and contemporary volunteerism, basic nonprofit governance, resource distribution, and managing municipal services.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
  • Social Justice

RPT 460 Recreation Destination Resorts (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: RPT 390 or permission of the instructor.

Leisure experiences provided by resorts, theme parks, campgrounds, hotels, and activity specific centers. Fundamentals of establishing, administrating, promoting, and working in recreation resorts.

RPT 470 Travel with Purpose (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to upper-division standing.

Introduction and application of concepts related to socially responsible travel, community engagement, cultural competency, and sociocultural, environmental, and economic sustainability through a mandatory 40-hour service learning experience. Lecture, 2 units; activity, 1 unit. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. Travel outside California or the U.S. may be required. Extra fee required. [CSL may be available]

RPT 500 Organization and Administration of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; RPT 200 and RPT 325; concurrent enrollment in RPT 400 recommended.

Principles and practices in organizational structure, human resources administration, supervision, budgeting and financial management, and analysis of recreation, parks, and tourism organizations. Trends, technology applications, and case studies.

RPT 520 Parks and Outdoor Recreation Resources (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; RPT 200 (may be taken concurrently); or permission of the instructor.

Park operations and regulatory compliance at municipal, county, state, and federal levels; resource acquisition and financing; facility planning, design, and maintenance; environmental issues; ethics; the interrelationship between environment and visitor experience; and risk management.

Course Attributes:

  • Environmental Sustainability

RPT 600GW Professionalism in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism - GWAR (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; GE Area A2; RPT 200, RPT 300, RPT 325, and RPT 350; concurrent enrollment in RPT 400; RPT 500 recommended; internship eligibility.

Seminar in professional/personal development, career planning, internship preparation, and current issues, trends, policies, and professional practices. Demonstration of professional, nonverbal and verbal communication competencies. (ABC/NC grading only) [Formerly RPT 660GW]

Course Attributes:

  • Graduation Writing Assessment

RPT 605 Ecotourism & Sustainable Travel (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.

Explore nature-based, low-impact, sustainable travel to preserve the environment and local communities. Assess adverse and beneficial tourism impacts on the global environment, indigenous cultures, and economy. Discussion of the ecotourism market, providers, eco-resorts, community settings, and regulators.

Course Attributes:

  • UD-D: Social Sciences
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Global Perspectives
  • Social Justice

RPT 640 Recreational Use of National Parks and Protected Areas (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor.

Introduction to concepts of conservation and preservation of national parks and other ecosystem units, and managing visitor use. Emphasis on history, management principles, and current issues. National parks will be the primary focus and selected international protected areas will be included. [CSL may be available]
(This course is offered as RPT 640 and ENVS 640. Students may not repeat the course under an alternate prefix.)

RPT 690 Internship in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism (Units: 3-12)

Prerequisites: Upper-division Recreation, Parks, and Tourism majors with RPT 600GW and concurrent enrollment in RPT 500 or Recreation, Parks, and Tourism minors; internship eligibility; and permission of the instructor.

An internship in a recreation, parks, or tourism agency supervised by qualified personnel. Application of concepts, principles, and best practices. Directed field experience and training in organization and industry infrastructure including operations, facilities, marketing, finance, and programs/services. Demonstration of competencies needed in the profession. Internship hours may vary. (Plus-minus ABC/NC) [CSL may be available]

RPT 699 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)

Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor. Enrollment by petition.

In-depth, individual, or group study projects in areas of personal and professional recreation and leisure interest under the guidance of a faculty member. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. (Plus-minus letter grade only) [CSL may be available]