Interdisciplinary Studies Education (ISED)
ISED 100 Success in College and Beyond (Units: 3)
Development of skills and knowledge needed to succeed in college and beyond. Topics include college admissions requirements, the college application process, financial aid and scholarships, resources available on college campuses to support well-being and academic success, finding community, exploring college majors and career paths, study skills, time management, understanding academic expectations, critical thinking, research skills, effective communication, college-level writing, online learning, and academic integrity. (Plus-minus ABC/NC, CR/NC allowed)
ISED 150 Orientation to Education (Units: 3)
Develop academic and interpersonal communication skills for living, learning, and working in a college setting. Grow leadership skills through participation in activities to prepare for working in a variety of learning settings on an urban university campus. (Plus-minus ABC/NC, CR/NC not allowed)
ISED 160 Data Analysis in Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: First-year math advising module. Students who elect to take additional support should concurrently enroll in MATH 122.
Course Attributes:
- B4: Math/QR
ISED 185 Culture, Power, and Social Justice Education (Units: 3)
Explore how race, ethnicity, social class, gender, and sexual orientation integrate and overlap to affect students' lived experiences within structures of power in US institutions. Examine of inequities in K-12 schools and universities. Explore concepts of power for understanding institutional structures and everyday educational practices that create and sustain inequality. Analysis of policies and practices that aim to promote educational equity and social justice, including culturally sustaining pedagogy, abolitionist teaching, restorative justice practices, and other tools for resistance, self-determination, and collective action. [Formerly ISED 585]
ISED 201 Introduction to the University (Units: 3)
Designed to acclimate freshmen and sophomore students at Community College to the rigor and structure of a four-year University. Assists students in clarifying academic goals and objectives, provides the skills and understandings to facilitate academic decisions, and improves progress towards goals with the most effective use of student time and resources. [CSL may be available]
ISED 204 Critical Thinking for Educational Equity and Social Justice (Units: 3)
Developing critical thinking skills to analyze, criticize, advocate, and construct arguments related to current issues in equity and social justice education. Particular emphasis will be placed on examining social justice issues related to race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and dis/ability in education and community contexts. (Plus-minus ABC/NC, CR/NC not allowed)
Course Attributes:
- A3: Critical Thinking
- Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
ISED 699 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor; open only to regularly enrolled students.
ISED 706 Principles and Methods of Adult and Vocational Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 707 Planning and Funding Education and Community Programs (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor.
ISED 715 Race, Class, and Gender in Education Policy (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate students in the ELSIT Department or permission of the instructor.
ISED 716 The Intersection of Race and Language in Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 717 Foundations of Social Justice Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 718 Queering Education: Research, Policy, and Pedagogy (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 720 Education, Disability, and Race: A Critical Inquiry for Equity, Justice, and Liberation (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 725 The Educational Experiences of Latinx Students: An Equity and Social Justice Perspective (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 735 The Adult Learner: From Theory to Practice (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 736 Leadership and Policy for Community and Non-Formal Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 738 Critical Theories and Pedagogies (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 739 Education and Community Development: Equity and Diversity (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 740 Education & Globalization: Issues in Comparative and International Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: ISED 747 or equivalent.
ISED 745 Practicum in a Multicultural Educational Setting (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 747 Culture, Language, and Society in Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate ELSIT students or permission of the instructor.
ISED 748 Culture, Cognition, and Power Issues in Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 760 Crossing Borders: Immigration, Intersectionality, and Critical Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate-level standing or permission of the instructor.
ISED 770 Topics in Equity and Social Justice Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
- Educational Practices in Transnational Spaces
- The Educational Experiences of Black Students
- Transformational Leadership in Education
ISED 781 Educational Praxis: Curriculum Development and Pedagogies (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
ISED 782 Practicum in Adult Learning (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor; must be taken concurrently with ISED 781.
ISED 797 Seminar in Educational Research (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Course Attributes:
- Teacher Credential Program Crs
ISED 895 Field Study Project (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: ISED 797, 24 units of MA coursework; permission of the instructor and approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies. Advancement to Candidacy and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.
ISED 898 Master's Thesis (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: ISED 797; completion of 24 units of MA coursework; permission of the instructor and approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies. Advancement to Candidacy and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.
ISED 899 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)
Prerequisite: Enrollment by petition approved by the instructor, adviser, and department chair. Open only to regularly enrolled students.