Kinesiology (KIN)
KIN 100 Aerobics: Low Impact (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 103 Aerobics: Steps (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment for Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 124 Fitness and Conditioning (Units: 2)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 136 Hatha Yoga (Unit: 1)
The word hatha literally means "force" and thus alludes to a system of physical techniques. In the 20th century, hatha yoga, particularly asanas (the physical postures), became popular throughout the world as a form of physical exercise, and is now colloquially termed as simply "yoga". Physical activity course. Activity. May be repeated for a total of 3 units.
KIN 139 Jogging (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 148 Elementary Kung Fu (Unit: 1)
Introduction to this Chinese Martial Art involving special hand movements, body positions, and breathing exercises. Physical activity course. Activity. May be repeated for a total of 3 units.
KIN 151 Tae Kwon Do (Unit: 1)
The Korean martial art form of Tae Kwon Do. Focus on learning the movement forms, the historical and cultural significance of this art form, and the modern evolution of Taekwondo. Activity. May be repeated for a total of 3 units.
KIN 158 Personal Defense (Units: 2)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 161 Shaolin Chuan: Tan-Tui (Unit: 1)
A Chinese exercise form that focuses on strength, flexibility and speed by mastering lines of quick movements, kicks and leaps. Physical activity course. Activity. May be repeated for a total of 3 units.
KIN 164 Elementary Soccer (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 171 Beginning Swimming: Non-Swimmers (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 172 Elementary Swimming (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 189 Weight Training: Beginners Only (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 191 Individualized Weight Training (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 236 Intermediate/Advanced Hatha Yoga (Units: 2)
Prerequisite: KIN 136 or permission of the instructor.
KIN 240 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: GE Areas A2, A3, and B4 with grades of C or better; priority enrollment for Kinesiology majors and undeclared students with an interest in Kinesiology.
KIN 250 Introduction to Kinesiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: GE Areas A2, A3, and B4 with grades of C or better; priority enrollment for Kinesiology majors and undeclared students with an interest in Kinesiology.
KIN 251 Success in the Kinesiology Major (Units: 2)
Prerequisites: Restricted to Kinesiology majors; concurrent enrollment in KIN 384GW.
KIN 255 Health-Related Fitness and Wellness (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Completion of GE Areas A and B4 with grades of C or better; enrollment in an activity course is recommended.
Course Attributes:
- E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
- D1: Social Sciences
- Environmental Sustainability
- Global Perspectives
- Social Justice
KIN 257 Wellness, Fitness and the Global Perspective (Units: 3)
Introduction to human anatomy, physiology, the basic principles of exercise and wellness, and to the benefits and limitations of wellness practices around the world; blending physical movement and fitness training with academic skills including critical reading, research, and scholarly presentations. Lecture, 2 units; activity, 1 unit. (Plus-minus ABC/NC, CR/NC)
Course Attributes:
- E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
- Global Perspectives
KIN 272 Intermediate/Advanced Swimming (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: KIN 172 or permission of the instructor. Priority enrollment given to Kinesiology majors. Students in other majors admitted on a space-available basis.
KIN 298 Practicum in Kinesiology (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and associate chair.
KIN 299 Practicum in Kinesiology (Unit: 1)
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor and associate chair.
KIN 305 Instructional Analysis: Track, Field, and Gymnastics Floor Activities (Units: 2)
Prerequisites: KIN 240 or permission of the instructor. Sufficient experience to demonstrate basic proficiency in performing the fundamental skills of the activities in this course; otherwise, it is recommended that the student take the corresponding activity course(s) before enrolling in this course.
KIN 307 Instructional Analysis: Basketball and Volleyball (Units: 2)
Prerequisites: KIN 240 or permission of the instructor. Sufficient experience to demonstrate basic proficiency in performing the fundamental skills of the activities in this course; otherwise, it is recommended that the student take the corresponding activity course(s) before enrolling in this course.
KIN 308 Instructional Analysis: Fitness Activities (Units: 2)
Prerequisites: KIN 255 (may be taken concurrently); fitness assessment; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 310 Youth Development Instructional Analysis I (Units: 3)
Introduction to the theoretical and practical applications of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSR), a youth development physical activity-based curriculum model. Focus on TPSR goals, strategies, and a developmental progression for using the model. Learn how to teach, plan, and assess fundamental movement skills, and facilitate the California Physical Education Standards through the context of softball and tennis. (Plus-minus letter grade only)KIN 312 Youth Development Instructional Analysis II (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to Kinesiology majors and Athletic Coaching minors; upper-division standing; KIN 240* or KIN 250*, and any GWAR course*.
KIN 314 Principles of Strength and Conditioning (Units: 3)
Science and methods of instruction related to resistance training and muscular strength activities. How to safely and properly perform a variety of muscular strengthening exercises. Introduces and reviews fundamental principles of physiology and kinesiology underlying the ability to properly perform and instruct individuals of varying ages and physical abilities in the safe and effective performance of a wide variety of muscular strength and conditioning exercises. Includes exercises using a variety of resistance equipment including free weights and machines. (Plus-minus letter grade only)KIN 322 Sport in America (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; two courses from GE Areas A1, A2, A3, or B4; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 325 Computer Applications in Kinesiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; KIN 250* with a grade of C or better; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 331 Peak Performance (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes:
- E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
- UD-D: Social Sciences
- Global Perspectives
- Social Justice
KIN 355 Science, Sport, and Fitness (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better or permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes:
- E1 LLD Pre-Fall 2019
- UD-B: Physical Life Science
KIN 384GW Research Methods in Kinesiology - GWAR (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; GE Area A2; KIN 240* or KIN 250*; MATH 124* or equivalent; all with grades of C or better. Concurrent enrollment in KIN 251.
Course Attributes:
- Graduation Writing Assessment
KIN 401 Elementary School Physical Education: K-5 (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; KIN 240 or LS 200 or CAD 210 or E ED 250 or equivalent; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 402 Practicum in Physical Education, N-5 (Unit: 1)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; two courses in GE Areas A and B4; KIN 250 or equivalent; or permission of the instructor. Concurrent enrollment in KIN 401 required for Physical Education majors.
KIN 404 Sport and Exercise Psychology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors and Athletic Coaching minors; KIN 384GW* or other GWAR* course (may be taken concurrently).
KIN 434 Sport-Based Youth Development (Units: 3)
Prerequisite for KIN 734: Restricted to graduate Kinesiology students.
Prerequisite for KIN 434: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors and Athletic Coaching minors.
(KIN 734/KIN 434 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
KIN 437 Physical Dimensions of Aging (Units: 3)
Prerequisite for KIN 737: Graduate Kinesiology students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for KIN 437: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; BIOL 212*; BIOL 220* or BIOL 328*, and KIN 384GW* or equivalents with grades of C or better; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(KIN 737/KIN 437 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
KIN 457 Culture, Gender, and Movement (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 384GW*.
Course Attributes:
- Global Perspectives
KIN 480 Anatomical Kinesiology (Units: 4)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; BIOL 220 or BIOL 328 or equivalent with a grade of C or better; KIN 384GW* (may be taken concurrently).
KIN 482 Exercise Physiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; BIOL 212* or equivalent, KIN 250* or KIN 240*, all with grades of C- or better; and KIN 384GW (may be taken concurrently).
KIN 483 Exercise Physiology Laboratory (Unit: 1)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; BIOL 212* and BIOL 213* or equivalents with grades of C or better; KIN 384GW*; or permission of the instructor. Concurrent enrollment in KIN 482.
KIN 485 Biomechanics (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; PHYS 101* and PHYS 102* or PHYS 111* and PHYS 112*; KIN 384GW* or equivalent; KIN 480*; all with grades of C or better.
KIN 486 Motor Learning (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors and Athletic Coaching minors; KIN 384GW* or other GWAR* course (may be taken concurrently).
KIN 487 Motor Development (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes:
- UD-B: Physical Life Science
KIN 489 History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 384GW*.
KIN 490 Introduction to Sport and Fitness Program Management (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors.
KIN 502 Sport and Social Issues (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes:
- UD-D: Social Sciences
- Am. Ethnic & Racial Minorities
- Social Justice
KIN 510 Sport, Movement, and Screen Culture (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; GE Areas A1*, A2*, A3*, and B4* all with grades of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes:
- UD-C: Arts and/or Humanities
- Global Perspectives
- Social Justice
KIN 536 Introduction to Adapted Physical Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; KIN 240* or KIN 250* with a grade of C or better; 6 units of upper-division KIN courses; GE Areas A and B4; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 537 Movement for Individuals with Severe Disabilities (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; KIN 240* or KIN 250* with a grade of C or better; 6 units of upper-division KIN courses; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 538 Therapeutic Exercise (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing Kinesiology majors; KIN 480* and KIN 482*.
KIN 539 Motor Assessment of Individuals with Disabilities (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 384GW*.
KIN 555 Exercise Testing and Prescription (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 480*, KIN 482*, and KIN 483*; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 570 Directed Coaching Experience (Unit: 1)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; KIN 240 or KIN 250; 6 units in the coaching minor sequence; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 580 Middle and High School Physical Education: Grades 6-12 (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 240*, KIN 384GW*, and KIN 486* or KIN 487*; concurrent enrollment in KIN 581.
KIN 581 Practicum in Middle and High School Physical Education (Unit: 1)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; enrollment in a teaching credential program; KIN 384GW*; concurrent enrollment in KIN 580.
KIN 604 Advanced Exercise Psychology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 404*.
KIN 620 Advanced Practicum in Kinesiology (Units: 2)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; KIN 250 with a grade of C or better; GE Areas A1, A2, A3, and B4; or permission of the instructor and associate chair.
KIN 621 Advanced Practicum in Kinesiology (Units: 2)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; KIN 250 with a grade of C or better; or permission of the instructor and associate chair.
KIN 630 Internship in Adapted Physical Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 384GW*; KIN 536*, KIN 537*, and KIN 538* (may be taken concurrently); or permission of the instructor.
KIN 636 Neuromotor Control Processes (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; BIOL 100 and BIOL 101 or BIOL 230; BIOL 220 or BIOL 328; and KIN 486* with a grade of C or better; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 680 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics and Human Movement (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 485* with a grade of C or better; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 683 Advanced Exercise Physiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 482* and KIN 483* with grades of C or better; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 685 Projects in the Teaching of Kinesiology (Units: 1-3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; permission of the associate chair and supervising instructor; a grade of B or better in the course in which the student will be an instructional aide.
KIN 690 Internship in Fitness/Wellness (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 482, KIN 483, and KIN 490; or permission of the instructor. KIN 555 is strongly recommended. Attendance at MANDATORY meeting at the end of the semester PRIOR to enrollment is required. Dates and times will be posted in the gymnasium.
KIN 696 Kinesiology Community-Based Internship (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; KIN 404*, KIN 482*, KIN 483*, KIN 485*, and KIN 486*; or permission of the instructor. Enrollment priority given to graduating seniors.
KIN 697 Integrative Research Seminar (Units: 2)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; priority enrollment for graduating seniors; KIN 404*, KIN 457*, KIN 482*, KIN 483*, KIN 485*, and KIN 486* (all may be taken concurrently); concurrent enrollment in KIN 698; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 698 Senior Research Project (Unit: 1)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; priority enrollment for graduating seniors; KIN 404*, KIN 457*, KIN 482*, KIN 483*, KIN 485*, and KIN 486* (all may be taken concurrently); concurrent enrollment in KIN 697; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 699 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division standing; overall GPA of 3.0 or above; permission of the associate chair and supervising instructor.
KIN 710 Research in Kinesiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing; undergraduate kinesiology degree; a computer and a statistics course; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 715 Research Designs and Analysis (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: KIN 710 or permission of the instructor.
KIN 730 Advanced Biomechanics (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing; undergraduate biomechanics or kinesiology course; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 733 Motor Learning (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate Kinesiology students or permission of the instructor.
KIN 734 Sport-Based Youth Development (Units: 3)
Prerequisite for KIN 734: Restricted to graduate Kinesiology students.
Prerequisite for KIN 434: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors and Athletic Coaching minors.
(KIN 734/KIN 434 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
KIN 736 Advanced Neuromotor Control (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
KIN 737 Physical Dimensions of Aging (Units: 3)
Prerequisite for KIN 737: Graduate Kinesiology students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for KIN 437: Restricted to upper-division Kinesiology majors; BIOL 212*; BIOL 220* or BIOL 328*, and KIN 384GW* or equivalents with grades of C or better; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(KIN 737/KIN 437 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
KIN 740 Advanced Exercise Metabolism (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing; KIN 482 or equivalent; or permission of the instructor.
KIN 742 Exercise and Cardiovascular Dynamics (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate Kinesiology students or permission of the instructor.
KIN 746 Clinical Exercise Physiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate Kinesiology students or permission of the instructor.
KIN 750 Curriculum and Instruction I: Physical Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate standing or KIN ITEP credential students, or permission of the instructor.
Course Attributes:
- Teacher Credential Program Crs
KIN 751 Curriculum and Instruction II: Physical Education (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate standing or KIN ITEP credential students; KIN 750; concurrent enrollment in S ED 660 or S ED 751.
Course Attributes:
- Teacher Credential Program Crs
KIN 755 Exercise Electrocardiography, Testing, and Prescription (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate Kinesiology students or permission of the instructor.
KIN 763 Motivation and Performance (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate Kinesiology students or permission of the instructor.
KIN 766 Sociocultural Bases of Physical Activity (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of the instructor.
KIN 781 Muscle Physiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate Kinesiology students or permission of the instructor.
KIN 795 Seminar in Kinesiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: KIN 710 and KIN 715; 15 units towards advancement to candidacy (ATC).
KIN 895 Master's Project in Kinesiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Completion of core and concentration requirements; permission of the instructor and approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies.
KIN 896 Directed Reading in Kinesiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: 21 units towards Advancement to Candidacy; permission of the adviser and instructor.
KIN 897 Independent Research in Kinesiology (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: KIN 710 and KIN 715 or equivalent; 12 graduate units towards Advancement to Candidacy; and permission of the graduate adviser.
KIN 898 Master's Thesis (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Graduate Kinesiology students; KIN 897; and permission of the graduate major adviser and instructor; and approval of Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) and Culminating Experience (CE) forms by Graduate Studies. Advancement to Candidacy and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.
KIN 899 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)
Prerequisites: Graduate standing with demonstrated ability to do independent work and permission of the adviser and supervising instructor.