Greek (GRE)
GRE 101 Elementary Ancient Greek (Units: 4)
Greek language and grammar with emphasis on the rapid readings of graded Attic prose. Exercises in the writing of Greek sentences. Groundwork for the great Greek masters of poetry and prose in the original language.
Course Attributes:
- C2: Humanities
- Global Perspectives
GRE 202 Intermediate Ancient Greek (Units: 4)
Prerequisite: GRE 101 or equivalent.
Course Attributes:
- C2: Humanities
- Global Perspectives
GRE 431 Greek Oratory II (Units: 3)
Prerequisite for GRE 731: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 431: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 731/GRE 431 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 435 Greek Historiography I (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 735: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 435: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 735/GRE 435 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 436 Greek Historiography II (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 736: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 436: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 736/GRE 436 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 441 Greek Epic II (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 741: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 441: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 741/GRE 441 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 445 Greek Drama I (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 745: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 445: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 745/GRE 445 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 450 Greek Philosophy I (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 750: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 450: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 750/GRE 450 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 451 Greek Philosophy II (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 751: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 451: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 751/GRE 451 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 465 Hellenistic Poetry (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 765: Graduate standing; intermediate Greek or equivalent; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 465: Upper-division standing; GRE 202 or equivalent; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 765/GRE 465 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 699 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)
Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of the instructor.
GRE 731 Greek Oratory II (Units: 3)
Prerequisite for GRE 731: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 431: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 731/GRE 431 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 735 Greek Historiography I (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 735: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 435: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 735/GRE 435 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 736 Greek Historiography II (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 736: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 436: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 736/GRE 436 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 741 Greek Epic II (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 741: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 441: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 741/GRE 441 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 745 Greek Drama I (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 745: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 445: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 745/GRE 445 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 750 Greek Philosophy I (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 750: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 450: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 750/GRE 450 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 751 Greek Philosophy II (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 751: Graduate standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 451: Upper-division standing; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 751/GRE 451 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 765 Hellenistic Poetry (Units: 3)
Prerequisites for GRE 765: Graduate standing; intermediate Greek or equivalent; or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites for GRE 465: Upper-division standing; GRE 202 or equivalent; GPA of 3.0 or higher; or permission of the instructor.
(GRE 765/GRE 465 is a paired course offering. Students who complete the course at one level may not repeat the course at the other level.)
GRE 899 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)
Prerequisites: Advanced reading knowledge of Greek; permission of the supervising faculty member. Enrollment by petition.