Minor in Philosophy
The department welcomes students from other majors or programs who wish to examine their personal philosophy, investigate the philosophies of others, or sharpen their skills as independent thinkers. The enterprise of philosophy develops a wide array of skills necessary for clarifying premises, uncovering presuppositions (one's own and those of others), weighing the pros and cons of conflicting values, and analyzing concepts and issues. Courses in philosophy serve to develop and enhance these skills. Some courses concentrate on specific philosophical issues. Others provide an overview of an entire area of human inquiry or endeavor (such as the sciences, the arts, political theory and law, medicine, social justice, and how our minds, senses, and emotions work) or of the philosophical foundations that characterize a historical period.
A great number of the courses offered are not only appropriate as part of a philosophy major but are of special interest to students in other fields. These courses are designed to help students understand the theoretical frameworks, methodological presuppositions, and more abstract dimensions of the paramount areas of knowledge.
Each student minoring in philosophy must take at least 21 units in philosophy, at least 15 of these being upper-division units.
The flexibility of the philosophy minor and the wide array of philosophy courses allows students to choose a course of study that best suits their interests and complements their major program. Students interested in either the philosophical understanding of a field of knowledge or in philosophy for self-understanding should feel free to consult the department chairperson or an advisor on appropriate courses.
A minimum of 6 upper-division units are required to complete the minor.
All coursework used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0.