Minor in Italian

The Italian minor consists of up to 14 units of lower-division and from 6 to 12 units of upper-division coursework. Students must complete the lower-division sequence - or the equivalent - prior to beginning upper-division coursework. The program may waive some or all lower-division requirements if the student demonstrates appropriate competency through advising, by taking a placement test, or by having taken the equivalent coursework elsewhere. Regardless of placement, however, students must pass a minimum of 12 units to successfully complete the minor; this might involve taking more upper-division electives. At least 50% of the units for the Italian Minor need to be taken in residence at SFSU. For advising about placement, contact the Italian program coordinator at albiero@sfsu.edu 

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Language. Students will read, listen, speak, and write in Italian at an intermediate to advanced-intermediate level.
  2. Linguistics. Students will identify the basic grammatical structures and elements of Italian.
  3. Culture. Students will be familiar with Italian historical and cultural developments in an international context.
  4. Literature. Students will be familiar with Italian literary production in an international context.

Italian Minor — 12-20 units

A minimum of 6 upper-division units are required to complete the minor.

All coursework used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0.

Lower-Division Core (0-14 units)

ITAL 101First Semester Italian 14
ITAL 102Second Semester Italian 14
Select Two:6
Third Semester Italian 1
ITAL 104
Italian Conversation

These courses can be fulfilled through AP test credit.

Electives (6-12 units)

Electives can include any upper-division course in Italian (ITAL prefix) or a related area selected upon advisement.