Minor in Studio Art

The Minor in Studio Art gives students the opportunity to take courses in studio art and to gain experience in the fundamentals and principles of art practice. Students also take coursework in art history to learn about the historical, theoretical, and social methods of art history and contemporary art practice. The Studio Art Minor will provide students with skills and knowledge that will complement many other disciplines and major fields of study within the University. It enhances students’ career outlook by providing a versatile skill set including critical thinking and visual literacy, curiosity, risk-taking, experimentation, and problem-solving which are in demand in a variety of professions in the media, arts, culture, service, and education industries. Please note: Art History majors may minor in Studio Art, however upper-division coursework may not be double-counted; 12 units of coursework must be unique to the minor.

Students should be aware that studio art practice is time-consuming and expensive. Instructional Materials Fees are required for most studio courses, and students may find themselves spending additional sums of money on their projects.

Steps to Declaring the Minor

Complete two lower-division courses with a grade of C or better and attend a major/minor group advising session.  Email sch_art@sfsu for information and advising session dates.


Studio Art Minor – 18 units

A minimum of 6 upper-division units are required to complete the minor.

All coursework used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0.

Lower-Division Requirements (9 units)

Art History3
Select one:
Western Art History I
Western Art History II
Asian Art History
Studio Art6
Select two:
Introduction to Digital Media Arts
Introduction to Textile Art
Introduction to Drawing
Introduction to Printmaking
Introduction to Contemporary Sculpture
Introduction to Ceramics
Introduction to the Darkroom

All lower-division requirements for the minor must be satisfied before advancing to courses numbered 300 and above.

Upper-Division Requirements (9 units)

Select three:

ART 310Foundations in Digital Media Art3
ART 330Foundations in Painting3
ART 335Foundations in Printmaking Processes: Drawing the Multiple3
ART 340Foundations in Contemporary Sculpture: Materials & Concepts3
ART 360Foundations in Photography3
ART 410Conceptual Art After Conceptual Art3
ART 411Interactive Arts3
ART 413Video Art3
ART 422Weaving I: Beginning3
ART 423Constructed Surfaces3
ART 424Surface Design Studio3
ART 431Intermediate Painting3
ART 432Further Explorations in Drawing3
ART 433Figure Drawing3
ART 434Color Workshop3
ART 435Intermediate Printmaking Workshop3
ART 439Screen Printing3
ART 440Sculpture and Expanded Practice3
ART 445Ceramics on the Wheel3
ART 460Intermediate Photography3
ART 511Digital Media and Emerging Technologies: Special Areas3
ART 514Experimental and Expanded Practices in Video Art3
ART 525Textiles Studio Process3
ART 527Repeat Pattern for Fine Art3
ART 530Advanced Topics in Painting: The Expanded Field3
ART 534Mixed Media Painting3
ART 535Artist's Books3
ART 536Advanced Topics in Printmaking3
ART 541Installation Art3
ART 543Hydrarchy: Nautical Art, Watercraft, and the Art of Resistance3
ART 545Ceramic Sculpture3
ART 546Glaze Surfaces3
ART 548Glaze Calculation3
ART 549Special Topics in Ceramics3
ART 556Art and Social Function3
ART 563Advanced Topics in Photography3
ART 619Exhibition Design3

One upper-division Art History course from the list below may be substituted for one upper-division Studio Art course.

ARTH/LTNS 301Latin American and Latino/a/x Art, 1492 to the Present3
ARTH 306Modern and Contemporary Art in a North American and European Context, 1945-present3
ARTH 401/CLAR 420Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece3
ARTH 402/CLAR 425Art and Archaeology of Ancient Rome3
ARTH 403/SXS 405Queer Art History3
ARTH 404/CLAR 550Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean Bronze Age3
ARTH 406Global Renaissance and Baroque Art3
ARTH 407/CLAR 500Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt3
ARTH 409/CLAR 530Greek Vase Painting3
ARTH 410/CLAR 531Greek Sculpture3
ARTH 411South Asian Art I: Neolithic to Medieval Periods3
ARTH 412South Asian Art II: Early Modern to Contemporary Periods3
ARTH 421Special Topics in Art History3
ARTH/HUM 496Art, Architecture, and Space in the Islamic World3
ARTH 516Advanced Topics in Art History3