Bachelor of Arts in Race, Ethnicity, and Health Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Roadmap

This is a sample pathway for students who transfer to San Francisco State University in the current Bulletin year with and approved ADT. All lower-division GE requirements have been satisfied. Additional requirements may have been satisfied. Check with a major advisor about the most appropriate course sequence. Degree completion guaranteed in 60 units; see the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) section for more information.

To Do at SF State:

Enough total units to reach 120 minimum for graduation; 30 units minimum at the upper-division level; to include the following:

University-Wide Requirements: 9-15 Units                                            

  • American Institutions (0-6 units): US History, US Government & CA State and Local Government requirements if not taken before transfer.
  • Upper-division GE (9 units): Courses required for the major may double-count if approved for UD GE. Students should attempt to enroll in a UD-B course in the first or second semester in order to complete the upper-division GE requirement.
  • Students entering this major with the ADTs described in the roadmap introduction are not required to fulfill SF State Studies requirements.
  • Complementary Studies: Completion of major requirements includes completion of the Complementary Studies requirement

Race, Ethnicity, and Health Major:  39 Units

  • Core (15 units): Includes GWAR
  • Breadth (24 units): Up to 9 units from the ADT may count with the approval of a major advisor.

University Electives: 6 or More Units

depending on course choices made at the community college, how transferred units are applied to the requirements above, and course choices at SF State - some courses may meet more than one requirement, e.g. in both UD GE and the major.

Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterUnits
ETHS 300GW Writing in Ethnic Studies - GWAR (Major Core) 3
History of People of Color in the US - Select One 1 3
Community Health - Select One 2 3
US History 3
or University Elective if already satisfied
GE Area UD-C: Upper-Division Arts and/or Humanities 3
Second Semester
ETHS 500 Introduction to Race, Ethnicity, and Health (Major Core, AERM, SJ) 3
History of People of Color in the US - Select One 1 3
Health, Wellness, and Liberation - Select One 3 3
U.S. and California Government 3
or University Elective if already satisfied
GE Area UD-B: Upper-Division Physical and/or Life Sciences 3
Third Semester
ETHS 647 Understanding Health Disparities Among Underserved Communities (Major Core) 3
ETHS 697 Field Research or Internship in Ethnic Studies (Major Core) 3
Community Health - Select One 2 3
Health, Wellness, and Liberation - Select One 3 3
GE Area UD-D: Upper-Division Social Sciences 3
Fourth Semester
ETHS 570 Senior Capstone for Race, Ethnicity, and Health (Major Core) 3
Health Elective - Select One 4 3
Equity, Justice, and Environment - Select One 5 3
University Elective - Take Two 6
 Total Units60

Histories of People of Color in the U.S. (6 units)

Select two from the following:

Asian American

AA S 210 History of Asians in the United States (3 units) (D2, USH, AERM)

AA S 320 Chinese in the United States (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)

AA S 330 Nikkei in the United States (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, SJ)

AA S 350 Filipina/os in the United States (3 units) (UD-D, AERM)

AA S 360 Koreans in the United States (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)

AA S 370 Vietnamese in the United States (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)

AA S 510 Asian Americans in California (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, ES, SJ)

AA S 541/RRS 657 South Asian Diaspora (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)

AA S 570 Southeast Asians in the United States (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)

Africana American

AFRS 208 Introduction to African American History (3 units) (D2, AERM, GP, SJ)

AFRS 303 African American History (3 units) (F)

American Indian

AIS 150 American Indian History in the United States (3 units) (D2, USH, AERM, SJ)

AIS 205 American Indians and U.S. Laws (3 units) (F, USG/CSLG, AERM, SJ)


LTNS 265 Topics in Latina/o/x History (3 units) (D1, AERM, SJ)

LTNS 276 Latina/o, U.S. Government, and Constitutional Ideals (3 units) (F, USG/CSLG, AERM)

LTNS 278/HIST 278 History of Latinos in the U.S. (3 units) (D2, USH, AERM, SJ)

LTNS 465 Mexican American and Chicana/x/o History (3 units) (F, AERM, GP)

LTNS 467 Caribbeans in the U.S.: History and Heritage (3 units) (UD-D, GP, SJ)

LTNS 470 Latina/o Immigration to the U.S. (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)

Race & Resistance

RRS 103/AIS 103 Introduction to Pacific Islander Studies (3 units) (D2, USH, AERM, GP, SJ)

RRS 240 All Power to the People: Comparative Freedom Movements of the "Sixties" (3 units) (D2, USH, AERM, SJ)

RRS 600/HIST 466 History of People of Color in the U.S. (3 units) (F, USH, AERM, SJ)


Community Health (6 units)

Select two from the following:

AA S 591 Asian American Community Health Issues (3 units) (UD-B, AERM, SJ)

AFRS 370 Health, Medicine, and Nutrition in the Black Community (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, ES, SJ)

AIS 450 American Indian Science (3 units)

LTNS 210 Latina/o/x Health Care Perspectives (3 units) (B2, AERM, ES, GP, SJ)

RRS 303 Health and Wellness among Pacific Islanders (3 units) (UD-B, SJ)


Healing, Wellness, and Liberation (6 units)

Select two from the following:

AA S 520 Asian American Musical Communities (3 units) (UD-C, AERM)

AIS 320 American Indian Music (3 units) (UD-C, AERM, SJ)

AIS 400 American Indian Education (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, GP, SJ)

LTNS 305 Latina/o Studies Creative Writing Workshop (3 units) (UD-C, AERM, GP)

LTNS 440 Caribbean Cultures and Spirituality (3 units)

LTNS 455 Resistance Literature of the Americas (3 units) (UD-C, AERM, GP, SJ)

RRS 270 Creativity, Decolonization, and Social Justice in Oceania (3 units)

RRS 304 Decolonize Your Diet: Food Justice and Gendered Labor in Communities of Color (3 units) (UD-B, AERM, ES)

RRS 490 Race, Art, and Social Justice (3 units)


Health Elective (3 units)

Select one from the following:

AFRS 200 Introduction to Black Psychology (3 units) (D1, AERM, GP, SJ)

AFRS 646 ( units)

AIS 250 American Indian Populations and Colonial Diseases (3 units)

ETHS 647 Understanding Health Disparities Among Underserved Communities (3 units)

LTNS 211 Latina/o/x Families (3 units) (D1, AERM, GP, SJ)

LTNS 500 Latina/o Community Mental Health (3 units) (F)

LTNS 692 Cuba: Health, Education, and Culture (3 units)

RRS 460/COUN 450/SXS 460 ( units) (UD-D, AERM, SJ)


Equity, Justice, and Environment (3 units)

Select one from the following:

AA S 587 Asian Americans and Environmental Justice (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, ES, SJ)

AFRS 466 Black Lives Matter: Race and Social Movements (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, SJ)

AFRS 678 Urban Issues of Black Children and Youth (3 units)

AIS 520 Before the Wilderness: American Indian Ecology (3 units)

LTNS 485/C J 485 Latina/o Youth, Crime, and Justice (3 units) (UD-D, SJ)

LTNS 580/RRS 580/SOC 580 Educational Equity (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, SJ)

RRS 252 Beyond Bars and Borders: Race and the Carceral State (3 units) (D2, USH, AERM)

RRS 276 Race, Activism and Climate Justice (3 units) (B2, AERM, GP, SJ)

RRS 480 Youth Culture, Race and Resistance (3 units) (UD-D, AERM, SJ)

Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADTs) that are approved for the BA in Race, Ethnicity, and Health are:

Child and Adolescent Development AA-T

Law, Public Policy, and Society AA-T

Public Health Science AS-T

Social Justice Studies AA-T

Social Work and Human Services AA-T