Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credential: Special Education

The Education Specialist Preliminary Credential program in Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) prepares teachers to work with K-12 transition age students identified with mild to moderate support needs, including learning disabilities, English language learners with language/learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, speech and language disabilities, autism, visual or auditory processing difficulties, and mild intellectual disabilities.

The MMSN program provides instruction and applied experiences in legal issues, psychoeducational assessment, data-based decision making, instructional programming, behavior management, culturally responsive pedagogy, and collaboration and co-teaching among general and special educators to promote inclusive education. Credential candidates learn to develop close relationships with students and their families, and apply specialized techniques in numerous educational settings. In addition, 600 hours of supervised clinical fieldwork and student teaching ensures that teacher candidates are able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired through course content and assignments to the instruction of students with mild to moderate support needs in urban school settings.

Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credential: Special Education

Core (28 units)

E ED 784Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics (CLAD Emphasis)3
SPED 747Physical Disabilities and Sensory Impairments3
SPED 763Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities3
SPED 774Positive Behavior Support3
SPED 788Law, Ethics, and Instructional Planning3
Select One:3
Nature of the Autism Spectrum
Communication, Behavior and Instructional Supports: Autism
SPED 801Development, Diversity, and English Language Learners: Special Education3
Health Education Requirement 13

Methods Courses (12 units)

SPED 770Introduction to Students with Mild/Moderate Support Needs3
SPED 772Assessment, Curriculum, and Instruction for Students with Mild/Moderate Support Needs3
SPED 775Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Special Education3
SPED 778Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Special Education3

Student Teaching (12 units)

SPED 726Workshop: Student Teaching Support Sessions for Mild/Moderate Support Needs or Orientation Mobility3
SPED 730Student Teaching: Special Education9

A list of CTC approved health education courses is available on the department website: