
Lam Family College of Business

Dean: Dr. Eugene Sivadas

Department of Marketing

CA 251
(415) 338-1754
Chair: Deanna Wang
Undergraduate Advisors: Bhat,  Chen, Ho, Ho-Dac, Hussain, Jang, Kumar, Papyrina, Sengupta, Sinapuelas, Strebel, Tumbat, Wang


Subodh Bhat (1993), Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of Georgia.

Foo Nin Ho (1993), Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of Mississippi.

Minu Kumar (2007), Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of Mississippi.

Sanjit Sengupta (1996), Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley.

Ian Sinapuelas (2007), Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. (2007), Purdue University.

Eugene Sivadas (2020), Professor in Marketing, Dean, Lam Family College of Business. Ph.D. University of Cincinnati.

Judi E. Strebel (2000), Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley.

Gulnur Tumbat (2005), Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. (2005), University of Utah.

Hui-Ming (Deanna) Wang (2005), Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. Purdue University.

Associate Professor

Nga Ho-Dac (2014), Associate Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of Utah.

Mahmood Hussain (2002), Associate Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of Colorado.

Sungha Jang (2019), Associate Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of Texas at Dallas.

Veronika Papyrina (2007), Associate Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of Western Ontario.

Assistant Professor

Yiwen Chen (2022), Assistant Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of Missouri.

Kyungin Ryu (2024), Assistant Professor in Marketing. Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


Robert Strong (1993), Lecturer in Marketing. M.B.A. San Francisco State University.

MKTG 431 Principles of Marketing (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to students with upper-division standing.

Introduction to marketing principles and functions designed to satisfy an organization's target markets by offering an appropriate marketing mix consisting of product, price, place, and promotion in domestic and international settings.

MKTG 432 Public Relations (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Explores communication, attitudes, opinion, ethical conduct, and responsible social performance as foundations of effective public relations. Discusses relevant current events and public relations programs. Examines models for analysis and practice as well as philosophical, historical, and environmental influences.

MKTG 433 Personal Selling (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Marketing minors; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Psychological factors underlying prospect behavior from initial recognition of need to final purchase of products and services.

MKTG 434 Advertising Theory and Practice (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Marketing minors; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Explores the economic aspects of advertising including selection of media, testing effectiveness and organization for carrying out advertising activities, principles, and procedures.

MKTG 436 Retail Management (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Marketing minors; MKTG 431*.

Organization of a single-unit and multi-unit retail institution. Discusses operational problems such as location, layout, merchandise handling, customer service, protection, and expense control.

MKTG 441 Business-to-Business Marketing (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Marketing minors; MKTG 431*.

Transaction channels through which goods and services are sold and purchased. Roles of marketing channel members and intermediaries.

MKTG 443 Sales Promotion and Publicity (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Marketing minors; MKTG 431*.

Introduction to the theories and practice of sales promotion and publicity. Consumer behavior, foundations of sales promotions, manufacturer and retailer sales promotion planning; types of trade and consumer sales promotions. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 450 Social Media Marketing (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 431* with a grade of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.

Develops the strategic management skills required to succeed in social media marketing. Topics will include social media auditing, social media audience targeting, social media content strategy, social media distribution strategy, social media advertising strategy, influencer selection strategy, and social media performance monitoring. Discussion of marketing tactics for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok.

MKTG 460 Content Marketing (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Digital Marketing Certificate students.; MKTG 431* with a grade of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.

Develop content marketing skills to drive business growth. Gain in-depth knowledge of content marketing concepts and hands-on experience in content creation, curation, and strategic distribution. Topics include content marketing concepts and principles; competitor content analysis and content auditing; developing holistic content marketing plans; creating and curating diverse content formats; content publishing and distribution strategies; content marketing ROI and metrics; and adopting AI tools to boost creativity, optimization, and automation.

MKTG 469 Digital Marketing (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Overview of digital technologies and networks and their applications for marketing to consumers and businesses. Study of best practices on the use of web, social media, and mobile marketing by businesses, government, and non-profit organizations. Exploration, analysis, and assessment of the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns.

MKTG 480 Search, Display, and Video Advertising (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to upper-division Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Digital Marketing Certificate students; MKTG 431* with a grade of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.

Develop Pay-per-click skills using Google Ads, bid auctions, and build targeting strategy. Optimise paid search campaigns, track conversions, and measure ROI. Learn how to set up, manage, and optimize a YouTube channel. Target, test, and develop the use of the Google Display Network and get creative with visual formats. Discuss emerging tools in digital advertising.

MKTG 567 Internship in Marketing (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 431*; permission of the instructor, department chair, and appropriate employment.

Experience in a business field. Principles, theory, and practice applied to real situations. Major report required. An internship relevant to marketing must be secured before the start of the semester and approved by the instructor. The internship must happen while enrolled in the course. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

MKTG 569 Digital Marketing Strategy (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Digital Marketing Certificate students; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Understand the strategic landscape of modern marketing. Formulate digital marketing strategy, process, and organization. Make strategic choices in digital marketing. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 632 Marketing Research (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; DS 212 and MKTG 431*.

Research design and methodology. Analyze, evaluate, and utilize marketing research findings. Use of case method and computer applications to make marketing decisions.

MKTG 633 Consumer Behavior (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 431*.

Behavioral models explore consumer needs and motivation incorporating psychological theory applied to personality traits, learning, perception, symbolism and communications, social influences and understanding consumer behavior.

MKTG 637 Sales Management (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Role of sales managers in line and staff planning. Selection, organization, supervision, compensation, and motivation of the sales force. Coordination of sales with other marketing functions. Measuring the sales manager's contribution to profitable operations.

MKTG 644 Services Marketing (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Marketing minors; MKTG 431*.

Explores theory, frameworks and tools for addressing the unique challenge of marketing in industries such as banks, healthcare, transportation, and entertainment.

MKTG 647 Organizational Reputation Management and Communication (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Assessment and management of reputational risks stemming from the behavior of senior executives or employees, failures in safety, accidents, rumors, etc. Focus on communication strategies and tactics to rebuild trust and restore organizational regulation.

MKTG 649 Marketing Management (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 632* and MKTG 633*.

Planning, organizing, integrating, and measuring the total marketing plan. Problems of managing the marketing function. Managerial supervision and control of marketing.

MKTG 660 Marketing Analytics (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Digital Marketing Certificate students; MKTG 632* with a grade of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.

Examination of techniques to manipulate, visualize, and analyze secondary data to address a variety of marketing issues in areas such as product/service, price, promotion, place, segmentation, and customer relationship management through hands-on experience using case studies and real-world marketing data.

MKTG 661 Introduction to Digital Marketing Analytics (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Digital Marketing Certificate students; MKTG 632* with a grade of C- or better; or permission of the instructor.

Introduction to quantitative approaches for understanding consumer behavior and making strategic decisions in recent marketing environments. Examination of essential digital/social media marketing concepts, analyses of marketing strategy and performance data using common analysis tools, and applications to enhance the quality of decision making.

MKTG 675 Brand Management (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Examination of the theories, concepts, principles, and strategies necessary to manage brands in the marketplace.

MKTG 680 International Marketing Management (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Marketing minors; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Explore environmental factors affecting world marketing management, consumer and industrial products market patterns, and establishing channels of distribution. Management of marketing functions including communication, pricing, product policy, promotion, financing, and logistics.

MKTG 688 New Product Management Seminar (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors and Marketing minors; MKTG 431*; or permission of the instructor.

Product and innovation management for creating, developing, and commercializing new products and innovations. Emphasizes the importance of creativity, innovativeness, and entrepreneurship as the sources of new products and new venture businesses. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 689 New Product Marketing and Launch (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing majors; MKTG 431* and MKTG 688; or permission of the instructor.

Explore the use of consumer insights to refine existing product concepts, develop branding elements, forecast sales, determine the Net Present Value, and develop a Marketing Plan. The Marketing Plan will involve pricing, promotion (advertising, sales, public relations, and social media), and retailing components. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 699 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor, adviser, and department chair; open only to students who have demonstrated the ability to work independently.

Intensive problem analysis under the direction of a marketing faculty member. [CSL may be available]

MKTG 787 Marketing Management (Units: 3)

Prerequisite: Restricted to graduate Business students; graduate students in other programs permitted with the permission of the Faculty Director of Graduate Programs.

Introduction to basic marketing concepts, principles, theories, and techniques. [Formerly BUS 787] (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 820 Digital Marketing (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate Business students; MKTG 787 or equivalent. Graduate students in other majors admitted with the permission of the Faculty Director of Graduate Programs.

Use of digital marketing tools and techniques such as websites, online advertising, search engine marketing, social media, mobile marketing, content marketing, and email marketing to acquire, convert, retain, and grow customers. A data-driven approach to marketing.

MKTG 860 Strategic Marketing (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate Business students; MKTG 787. Graduate students in other majors admitted with the permission of the Faculty Director of Graduate Programs.

Survey of marketing strategy focusing on the development of marketing plans for product markets, including analyses of external, competitive, customer and internal environments, target market selection, statement of differentiation and positioning, product, pricing, communication, and promotion. (Plus-minus letter grade)

MKTG 861 Consumer Behavior Seminar (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate Business students; MKTG 787. Graduate students in other majors admitted with the permission of the Faculty Director of Graduate Programs.

Psychology and social sciences' contribution to understanding and predicting consumer behavior. Theories of motivation, clinical and statistical approaches to analyzing motivation, systems, and models in predicting consumer response, and applications in advertising and personal selling. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 862 Seminar in Advertising (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate Business students; MKTG 787. Graduate students in other majors admitted with the permission of the Faculty Director of Graduate Programs.

Influence and communication forces of advertising in light of changing economic, social, and governmental conditions; quantitative aspects of advertising problems. (Plus-minus letter grade)

MKTG 864 Seminar in Marketing Research (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate Business students; MKTG 787. Graduate students in other majors admitted with the permission of the Faculty Director of Graduate Programs.

Review basic research process and design; introduction to advanced topics in marketing research including multivariate analysis techniques. Emphasis on application; extensive use of computer spreadsheet and statistical packages. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 875 Brand Management (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate Business students; MKTG 787. Graduate students in other majors admitted with the permission of the Faculty Director of Graduate Programs.

Concepts, principles, theories, and strategies used to manage brands in a competitive environment. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 885 Marketing of High-Technology Products and Services (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate Business students; MKTG 787. Graduate students in other majors admitted with the permission of the Faculty Director of Graduate Programs.

High-tech products and services are characterized by high levels of market, technology, and competitor uncertainty. For such turbulent environments, this course will synthesize decision frameworks and strategies that reflect best-practices in the area of high-technology marketing. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 886 Seminar in Marketing Analytics (Units: 3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate Business students; MKTG 787. Graduate students in other majors admitted with the permission of the Faculty Director of Graduate Programs.

Review of quantitative techniques to address strategic problems in marketing such as pricing, advertising, consumer choice modeling, customer relationship management, and assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities. Quantitative techniques covered include spreadsheet modeling, data visualization, optimization, multiple linear regression, and logistic regression. (Plus-minus letter grade only)

MKTG 899 Independent Study (Units: 1-3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate Business students; permission of the instructor, advisor, and department chair; open only to graduate students who demonstrate the ability to work independently.

Intensive study of a particular problem under the direction of a marketing faculty member. (Plus-minus letter grade only) [CSL may be available]