Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction

The MA in Curriculum and Instruction equips teachers with knowledge of current research in education and culturally responsive pedagogical practices to support their work in diverse school settings. 

The program includes:

  • A focus on integrating core content areas across the curriculum

  • Engagement in action research and self study as tools to improve educational outcomes

  • Opportunities to engage in analysis and receive feedback on your teaching as it develops

  • Elective areas of specialization including language and literacy, math education, integrated teaching credential + MA, and other areas of specialization under advisement

Admission to Program

Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. Additional entrance requirements include:

  • A 3.0 GPA in the undergraduate degree or last 60 semester (90 quarter) units attempted, including credential courses.
  • A valid preliminary or clear single subject or multiple subject teaching credential OR concurrent enrollment in a credential program in the SFSU Department of Elementary or Secondary Education. Exceptions may be granted for applicants who have at least three years prior experience in a relevant educational settings (such as museum or informal education) that do not require a credential.
  • Evidence of employment as a full or part-time teacher or evidence of permission to work on a regular basis within a school setting through a volunteer program or other agreement.
  • Evidence of written English proficiency.

Students who are seeking their preliminary Multiple Subject or Single Subject Credential may apply to the MA in Curriculum and Instruction concurrently with their application to the credential program in the Department of Elementary or Secondary Education. Students who enroll in the concurrent program may count 12 graded units of their credential coursework toward partial fulfillment of the area of specialization requirement. 

Written English Proficiency Requirement

Level One

Written English proficiency will be assessed on the Personal Statement, submitted to the department as part of the application.

Students admitted conditionally or not meeting the written English proficiency standards must demonstrate that they have met the Level One Written English proficiency requirement by completing the final assignment in S ED 860 with a grade of B or better.

Level Two

Writing proficiency will be assessed based on the Field Study Report submitted as the culminating experience for E ED/ S ED 895 or E ED/ SED 890. All students in the program must complete an 895 or 890 project.

Course Progression Requirements

Students who are admitted concurrently to the Multiple or Single Subject Credential + MA in Curriculum and Instruction must meet all credential program pre-requisites and receive their advisor’s approval prior to enrollment in MA specific courses.

Students must complete either S ED 860 or ISED 797 prior to the semester in which they complete their culminating experience (E ED 895/S ED 895 or E ED 890).

Students may take no more than one remaining MA class concurrently with their culminating experience.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze key issues in k-12 students’ understanding of core content knowledge in area of specialization and articulate area of concern under investigation in students’ original research.
  2. Critically examine pedagogical approaches intended to increase k-12 students’ access to and mastery of core content knowledge in area of specialization
  3. Analyze issues of equity, access, and social justice related to children’s learning and teaching and leadership practices in k-12 contexts.
  4. Construct coherent and sound inquiry and reflection goals and practices with support from multiple sources, including online and library resources as well as other existing resources in the field of early childhood education.

Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction — 30 units

Core Courses (12 units)

E ED/S ED 725Classroom Issues in Language, Literacy, and Culture3
E ED/S ED 774Teacher Research Methodologies3
Select One:3
Seminar in Educational Research
Culminating Experience Project Design
S ED/E ED 780Advanced Curriculum Development3

Elective Courses (15 units)

Advanced coursework in an approved area of specialization, upon consultation with and approval by the program advisor. Areas of specialization may include but are not limited to: math education, language and literacy education, and integrated credential + MA (Elementary or Secondary Education).  Students who wish to pursue a Reading Specialist or Math Specialist credential in conjunction with the MA should map out a pathway with their advisor at the start of their MA studies. Additional units may be required to meet the requirements for both.

E ED 7033
E ED 705Exploring Child and Adolescent Literature3
E ED 708Language and Literacy in the Early Years3
E ED 7203
E ED 7263
E ED 761School Mathematics: Problem Solving3
E ED 7633
E ED 765Critical Issues In Science Education3
E ED 7673
E ED 7703
E ED 771Literacy Clinic II: Multidisciplinary Assessment and Remediation of Language and Literacy Problems3
E ED 7853
E ED 869Enhancing Access for Bi-Literate Learner, TK-123
ISED 738Critical Theories and Pedagogies3
ISED 748Culture, Cognition, and Power Issues in Education3
S ED 701Teaching for Equity in Secondary Schools3
S ED 720Critical and Digital Literacy Across Content Areas3
S ED 759Curriculum and Instruction I3
S ED 800Adolescent Development3

Students whose area of specialization is the Integrated Teaching Credential + MA may use 12 graded units from the SFSU Multiple Subjects or Single Subjects credential programs, in addition to one elective from the approved electives list.

Culminating Experience (3 units)

In consultation with an advisor, students will complete either E ED 895/S ED 895 or E ED 890 as their culminating experience. In both options, students will complete an original research project based on the practitioner research model. In the E ED 890 field study seminar option, students produce a more concise written component focused on the theoretical framework, literature review, and analysis in addition to a professional level, public presentation of the study that is designed to benefit other professionals in the field. A project is a significant undertaking appropriate to the fine and applied arts or to professional fields. It evidences originality and independent thinking, appropriate form and organization, and a rationale. It is described and summarized in a written abstract that includes the project's significance, objectives, methodology and a conclusion or recommendation. An oral defense of the project may be required.

Select One:
E ED 890Field Study Project Seminar3
E ED/S ED 895Field Study Project3